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单词 nowhere 例句大全,用单词nowhere造句:

He nowhere offers concrete historical background to support his arguments.
Training animals is a science. Your acting recklessly will lead you nowhere.
With Nowhere enter into a stunning horrific adventure that's full of twists.
Fashion and pomp required more ample sums, so that the poor man was nowhere.
Though ambition got you nowhere, destroying yourself was not very clever either.
She is nowhere to be found - not in her room, on the terrace or in the backyard.
Unfortunately, nowhere along the way had he acquired finesse or polished manners.
My, how quickly it happened. Often it seemed as if the anger came out of nowhere.
Her grandmother started to walk down a stairway that had appeared out of nowhere.
When he came to, the wheelchair lay beside him, but David was nowhere to be seen.
当他恢复知觉以后, 只见轮椅倒在一边, 却不见大卫的身影。
It is regrettable that your skill was neglected because it can be applied nowhere.
The two men appeared out of nowhere, a few yards apart in the narrow, moonlit lane.
Nowhere is this more apparent than the ambitious plans of the navies of the countries.
She said that the truck appeared out of nowhere, and she thought she was going to die.
她说卡车突然冒出来出现, 并且她认为她打算死。
With Chelsea so listless, a goal out of nowhere was needed, and from nowhere it arrived.
无精打采的切尔西急需一个进球的时候, 这个进球就来了。
From out of nowhere the piper appeared in the town again when the parents were in church.
当这些父母在教堂时, 那名吹笛者不知从哪里又出现在镇上。
The bottle was nowhere near full. You should be more daring and work for faster development.
这瓶子只装了一点点。可以胆子大点, 发展快点。
Pressured on a drive under the basket that went nowhere, young passed the ball out of bounds.
然后尼克 杨突破到篮下,被湖人防死,把球传出了界外。
Nowhere in Britain has bureaucratic centralization proceeded with more pace than in Scotland.
在英国, 官僚集权化发展最快的就是苏格兰了。
They began firing haphazardly at the shadowy figures who seemed to have appeared from nowhere.
That is because quangos are useful, for reasons that appeared nowhere on Mr Camerons checklist.
他们这样做的原因在于, 准非政府组织对他们非常有利。
When she came into the room and saw that her child was nowhere to be seen, she became very anxious.
It was a rumour that appeared out of nowhere a while ago leading many to believe this piece of news.
And you would find that the bond energy of the heteronuclear molecule was nowhere on the average of the two.
Stock prices are approximately brownian motion, which means they are everywhere continuous but nowhere differentiable.

单词 nowhere 释义



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