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单词 nose 例句大全,用单词nose造句:

Acquired characteristics (such as a suntan or a broken nose) cannot be passed on.
Optimization of Sensors Array as an Electronic Nose in Identifying Adulterate Milk
a square piece of cloth used for wiping the eyes or nose or as a costume accessory.
用来擦眼睛, 鼻子或作为衣服装饰的正方形的料子。
Mutually general formulas separate grade crossing circular routes access nose design
Fragrant aromas of apple and quince on the nose, accompanied by hints of cashew nut.
苹果, 木瓜的芳香, 和些许腰果味。
Nose Grab Air An aerial maneuver in which the rider grabs the nose of the snowboard.
I was putting lotion on my face when my finger went up my nose causing a nose bleed.
He smeared the sweat from his cheeks and quickly adjusted the spectacles on his nose.
Mucus flowing out of the eye and the nose, nose secreta brings blood along sometimes.
从眼和鼻流出粘液, 鼻排泄物有时带血。
Detection of Adulteration in Camellia Seed Oil and Sesame Oil Using an Electronic Nose
Inhale deeply through your nose, then exhale quickly and forcibly, also through your nose.
用鼻深吸气, 然后用鼻或撅起嘴唇使劲并快速的呼出。
The equal king occupies a southwest square fertile burnt stone under of nose the earth jail.
The adenoids lie above the soft palate, a structure that helps close the nose during speech.
Her chin was strengthened her nose remodeled her ears adjusted, and the bags her eyes removed.
treat hump nose and posttraumatic deviated nose through medial osteotomy and lateral osteotomy.
Don't insert the forceps into the depth of nose so as to avoid injuring the nose mucous membrane.
I feel absolutely horrible. My temperature is 39 degrees Celsius, and Ive got a headache and a runny nose.
The first is the transmission mechanism which enables the invader to adhere to tissue in the nose and lungs.
Also the available wet towel places the nose department hot compress, may cause the nose to be unobstructed.
也可用湿毛巾放在鼻部热敷, 可使鼻子通畅。
Mainly treats nasosinusitis, the stuffy nose partner purulent secretion aware nose smelly and so on sickness.
主治鼻窦炎, 鼻塞伴脓性分泌物自觉鼻臭等症。
This monster has but half a nose, and it itches most abominably. The chains are too short for me to scratch it.
If an administrator has no access to information, it's as if he was purblind and hard of hearing and had a stuffed nose.
Corrective rhinoplasty for deformities of saddle nose accompanying flat nasal tip and wide alae via modified butterfly incision
When she was a baby, Jo had accidently dropped her into the coal hod, and Amy insisted that the fall had ruined her nose forever.
Observation of Result from Activating Spleen Decoction in Treating Invasion of Spleen by Dampness after Nose and Throat Operation

单词 nose 释义

  • 单词释义:鼻子;嗅觉;芳香,香气;突出的部分  [更多..]



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