Such advances should normally be recovered within three months from the date of the advance.
Conversely, when bile fails to be excreted normally, the liver function will be affected, too.
Normally have large altar on the tomb could be that people worship ancestors, the local deity.
Minitenders are basically auctions at short notice, normally announced about a week in advance.
The Buttah are normally associated with nightmares, abductions and the taking of small children.
饿鬼通过与恶梦在一起, 诱拐和吸引小孩。
Normally the total number of added classes and the total size of the added code is fairly small.
Ammonia is normally shipped and stored liquid form, obtained by compressing and cooling the gas.
As the bowls keep coming, the abbot is careful to point out that he normally eats very plain food.
菜不断地被端上来, 方丈矜持地说自己吃饭一般很简单。
Students entering an advanced course of study are normally required to register before the deadline.
The cause can be something as normally uneventful as driving over a bridge or flying in an airplane.
Texco or Shell process is normally employed by large ammonia plants using heavy oil as raw material.
Adjust what retiree can enjoy basic annuities according to the regulation normally ahead of schedule.
Accordingly, people keeps away from normally midsummer and midwinter, two season decorate option year.
因此, 人们通常避开盛夏和隆冬, 选择春秋两季装修。
These loads are normally applied by hydraulic jacks acting directly at the point of application offorce.
The due date for review of an account shall normally be the anniversary date of last sanction of the account.
If your department adds cartoon normally from time to tome additionally with container dispatch, case will add.
The wife's adornment lies in her husband in a sense that people won't normally cherish evil thoughts about her.
夫贵妻荣, 则表示人们通常不会对她怀有非份之想。
Please note that the agency will normally accept reported information which is supported by documentary proofs.
Hydraudynamic transmission is a kind of normally adopted transmission type used on the construction machineries.
To facilitate the oversight process, Congress normally requires agencies to report back periodically on their activities.
Application for contract renewal will normally be accepted within four weeks prior to the expiry of the existing contract.
For enclosures of light alloys, the percentage content of aluminium, titanium and magnesium will normally be required.
Normally, these channels remain open for a few milliseconds. Anaesthetics induce three different patterns of channel activity.
一般来说, 这些渠道仍然开放了几毫秒。
In addition, many virtual private networks, normally used to circumvent Beijings filtering of foreign sites, have suffered blackouts.
此外, 许多虚拟专网出现失灵。
I this friend holds the post of an alcalde in some town, saying normally already was more insufficient than going up more superabundant than falling.