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单词 observance 例句大全,用单词observance造句:

Cost reduction and observance of quality standards are ongoing assignments for a spinning mill.
Various institutions are responsible for ensuring the promotion and observance of human rights.
The Chinese revolution has always depended on discipline, especially voluntary observance of it.
我们过去革命, 就是靠纪律, 而且是自觉得纪律。
To set forth principles of behavior in formal documents is hardly to guarantee their observance.
正式文件中所提出的行为准则, 并不能保证它们得到遵守。
The twominute siren at 8 a. m. is an annual tradition in observance of Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Open vendorindependent communication required the definition and observance of general standards.
Therefore, parents Dian parents will become observance temples to educate the people of the world.
于是, 父母殿便成为敬奉父母的殿堂, 用以教化世人。
Observance of the Effect of Different Pressing Ways After the Extraction of Venous Infusion Needle
The basis of this obligation is, quite simply, the observance of and respect for international law.
God wants in us the transformation of the inner man rather than some external religious observance.
The Federal Court also expressed a view on observance of the merit principle in the Public Service.
Soar to the skies, time lift a flag on Monday we together school begins with higher level observance.
She was not satisfied with the reply concerning the observance of customary law in the Overseas Territories.
That convention should take into account the observance of international law, the rule of law and due process.
He coerced his subjects into observance of the Roman religion and threatened severe penalties against backsliders.
As I said before, one point is obedience to orders in all actions, and another the willing observance of discipline.
前面讲了, 一个是一切行动听指挥, 一个是自觉遵守纪律。
The observance is organized by a conservation groupThethe World Wide Fund for Nature, also known as the World Wildlife Fund.
Contact Customer Service for information on delivery commitments which may be affected due to the observance of these holidays.
Of course, there should also be democracy in our army, for without democracy there can be no voluntary observance of discipline.
Great efforts were made to increase the observance of the professional ethical standards of honesty and trustworthiness and to establish a social credibility system.

单词 observance 释义

  • 单词释义:遵守,奉行;(宗教的,正式的)仪式;惯例;庆祝  [更多..]



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