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单词 oblong 例句大全,用单词oblong造句:

anthers ovate or oblong, apiculate or not at apex.
花药卵形或长圆形, 具细尖的或并非在先端。
Leaflet blades oblong to oblanceolate plants erect.
Corolla ca. 1.5 cm, middle lobe of lower lip oblong.
约的花冠1。5厘米, 下唇长圆形的中部裂片。
Utricles globose or oblong, compressed, indehiscent.
胞果球状或者长圆形, 压扁,
Cotyledons oblong or ovate, leaflike, radicle short.
子叶长圆形或卵形, 叶状, 胚根短。
a game played on an oblong table with a cue and balls
A game played on an oblong table with a cue and balls.
Carpels nearly free, oblong, base attenuate or stalked.
Sepals oblong, erect, base of lateral pair not saccate.
萼片长圆形, 直立, 侧的对的基部不囊状。
anthers basifixed, oblong, glabrous, connective exserted.
花药基着, 长圆形, 药隔外露。
a solid oblong block of a substance,such as soap or candy
Capsule oblong, included in persistent calyx, septicidal.
Seeds many, oblong, ca. 3 mm, granulose. Fl. and fr. Jul.
种子多数, 长圆形, 长约3毫米, 粒状。
filaments filiform anthers oblong, minutely appendiculate.
花丝丝状花药长圆形, 微小的。
Capsule fusiform, cylindric or oblong, scaly, often hairy.
蒴果纺锤形, 圆筒状的或长圆形, 有鳞, 通常有毛。
A solid oblong block of a substance, such as soap or candy.
长方块物质长方形的块, 比如肥皂或糖果
an oblong rectangular box designed to hold a pair of shoes.
Seed orange, oblong, ca. 1 cm, with membranous aril at base.
种子橙, 长圆形, 约1厘米, 具膜质假种皮在基部。
An oblong piece of cloth used to cloak the head and shoulders.
an oblong container for carrying dispatches or other valuables.
filaments glabrous anthers oblong. Ovary semiinferior, glabrous.
花丝无毛花药长圆形子房半下位, 无毛。
Buds russet, long ovoid or oblong, at first pilose, glabrescent.
芽赤褐色, 或长圆形, 最初具柔毛的长卵球形, 后脱落。
Sepals oblong or ovate, erect, base of lateral pair not saccate.
萼片长圆形或卵形, 直立, 侧的对的基部不囊状。
Petals oblong, ca. 2 mm, with brown featherlike venation pattern.
花瓣长圆形, 大约2毫米, 具使成褐色脉序图案。
Caudex ellipsoidglobose or oblong, ca. 3.5 cm, 12 cm in diam.

单词 oblong 释义

  • 单词释义:长方形的;矩形的;椭圆形的;椭圆体的  [更多..]



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