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单词 oblivious 例句大全,用单词oblivious造句:

A study of Wang guowei's conception of me alive and oblivious of me
Women are generally oblivious of how they pull away their approval.
The professor keep read, entirely oblivious of his wife's presence.
Or are you so oblivious to surface clues that you cant size up anyone
或者离开了表面线索, 你就无法对别人做出判断了呢
Grandfather sat by the fireplace, oblivious of everything around him.
Grandfather sat by the fireplace, oblivious of everything around him.
祖父坐在火炉旁, 忘却了周遭得一切。
Grandfather sat by the fireplace, oblivious of everything around him.
Numbly oblivious to the crowds cheering, they stumbled toward the exit.
他们麻木地跌跌倒到地向出口走去, 没有庆祝。
We manoeuvre through the surface of life, oblivious to the depths below.
我们总在生活的表层上居住着, 却忽略了深层的问题。
They are completely oblivious to the rich culture underlying the language.
You've been completely oblivious to what your family's been going through.
The party appeared oblivious to the mounting pressures for political reform.
I lost myself to a deep reflection, oblivious of the gentle air touching me.
有无数长风斜吹时, 情不自禁这词变得如此妩媚。
Mark fairly danced into the kitchen, oblivious to those sitting at the counter.
马克进入厨房之内公平地跳舞, 易忘的到坐在柜台前的那些。
Mother Nature, of course, is oblivious to the federal governments machinations.
He was so absorbed in his work that he was oblivious of the goingson around him.
他专心致志地工作, 完全没有理会周围的一切。
Fishes in a public aquarium grow loquacious, oblivious of their lack of privacy.
We cannot be oblivious to the warning signs of an imminent possible catastrophe.
Signals are exceptional and farmers are particularly oblivious to traffic rules.
打灯很少见, 农民更是对交通规则完全无意识。
Several old plum trees in full bloom were braving the snow as if oblivious of the.
Major corporations and politicians in Tokyo seemed oblivious of these disparities.
The lad stretched length by the mast seems oblivious to the spray of the bow waves.
She seemed oblivious to strident British demands for the repatriation of EU powers.
They delighted in their own principles, and were oblivious of the power of princes.
乐于自己的学说, 不把他人的权势放在心上。
Also, sometimes one person is absolutely oblivious for the need for chores to be done.

单词 oblivious 释义

  • 单词释义:忘却的;健忘的;不注意的;不知道的  [更多..]



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