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单词 least 例句大全,用单词least造句:

Bachelor degree, major in accounting, at least three years work experiences.
Research of the NonLinear Regress Models Based on the Least Absolute Criteria
The type of a constant must be at least as accessible as the constant itself.
If you want to abolish libraries, join the Taliban or at least soak your head.
人们不愿面对这个抉择, 因为消灭战争太难了。
Ten of the other least developed countries are at various stages of accession.
At least one referee should be competent to comment on your academic potential.
According to local customs, the mourning period should be at least three weeks.
The shutters cut off the least ray of light, and we waited in absolute darkness.
Selfrealization, if not an expectation, but at least more likely to be accepted.
自我实现即使不是一种期望, 但至少更容易被人们接受。
E. G. The type of a property must be at least as accessible as the property itself.
One Advanced Calculation Method for the Least Cut Set and Least Path Set of Fault Tree
but at some point they had to at least suggest the abject nature of the bestial desire.
Coelenterates in which the polyp stage is absent or at least inconspicuous jellyfishes.
Infrared small target detection based on least absolute deviation and genetic algorithm
Cannot accomplish take exercise everyday, at least tertian undertake, also have profit.
不能做到每天锻炼, 至少隔日进行, 也有好处。
and at least one corona ring arranged to at least partly surround one of the terminals.
Absence of the tone tells the operator that there is at least one idle trunk in a group.
If I were you I would out of question accept the challenge without the least hesitation.
我要是你的话, 我会毫不迟疑地接受挑战。
39 Leaflet blades abaxially pubescent at least on midvein toward base or secondary veins.
Relatively simple equipment requirements, just at least one computer with Internet access.
At least two yeas of experience as accountant in the international organization is a must.
必须在国际机构组织中当过会计师, 至少有两年的经验。
It takes at least a month to prepare the ingredients and brew that potion, according to CS.
There were no windows. I dont think there was an exit, or at least not one I could access.
At least two yeas of experience as an accountant in an international organization is a must.
So, Buck is saying here that he expects people to be at least civil or to at least be civil.
因此, 巴克在这里说, 他期望人们至少要有礼貌。

单词 least 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.最小的,最少的;adv.最少,最小  [更多..]



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