Learn to absorb the mental and the moral life of a book, and assimilate it into your life.
学着去吸收书中的道德情操, 直至彻底领悟于现实生活当中。
to learn how to ask good questions, but also to learn how to explain concepts with clarity.
学习如何提出有质量的问题 以及如何清晰的阐述概念
Next we learn that Adam and Eve had relations and that Eve conceived and bore Cain and Abel.
As the students learn to manipulate the beads on the abacus, they learn to add and subtract.
学生在算盘上拨拉算珠, 学习加减。
For absolute measurement need calibration or exact learn more about the launch of the surface.
It should come as no surprise to learn that many abused children become abusers later in life.
English is like an ocean. There is no limit to what you can learn. You cannot learn aimlessly.
Learn food organoleptic professional English to learn English can be used as a starting point.
Practice tenses as much as possible. when cdfds. comou learn a new verb, learn its various forms.
if i learn English people mull scold me as a traitor, and still i had better not to learn English.
A child must learn to discriminate between the possibly justifiable acton and the absolutely correct action.
I voluntarily join the world Book of Changes to learn, is willing toobserve the academic society regulation.
This highlights the fact that we naturally learn words first, and after that we acquire or learn the grammar.
In this session you learn how to seek clarification learn how to describe a flat learn how to make suggestion.
在这一节, 你应学习怎样澄清意思描述公寓提出建议。
Before shooting, He Jun Xiang need to learn how to make bento as he s highly popular though, when can he learn?
Learn to use an abacus, and you might even be able to use the same techniques to do rapidfire math in your head.
学习使用算盘, 你还能使用同样技巧在头脑中实现速算。
Pronunciation Learn to pronounce English sounds. Learn to understand phonetic transcription and the phonetic alphabet.
By saying that it is not easy to learn and to apply, we mean that it is hard to learn thoroughly and to apply skilfully.
说学习和使用不容易, 是说学得彻底, 用得纯熟不容易。
Are you gonna learn to ski or snowboard first? I think snowboarding is easier to learn, but your ass is gonna hurt more lol
To Learn to Doubt and Ask Questions Is A Precious Attribute of a Student and an Indispensable Condition for Starting to Learn
Learn the secrets, Ill learn to like the elderly, and victory is really serious, like cat eyes bright dew to wash their eyes.
Learn English to love our country! Learn English to make money globally! Personal achievement is the best sign to love your country.
In an effort to learn how to cook, I’ve been helping my mom prepare dinner lately. It’s always nice to learn from the best too :)
Good scorers can make jump shots but must also learn to attack the glass. Good scorers can make jump shots but must also learn to drive to the basket.
Teachers should personally do what they've asked students to do, learn what they've asked students to learn, and follow regulations which they've asked students to follow.