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单词 laurel 例句大全,用单词laurel造句:

And love grown bitter with treason, and laurel outlives not May.
Julius Caesar wore a laurel wreath to cover the onset of baldness.
Laurel is a dedicated researcher of skin care health and products.
Laurel Yeah, but she looks stunning, in the clothes, dont you agree.
An olive wreath and a silver medal A bronze medal and laurel wreath.
a wreath of laurel foliage worn on the head as an emblem of victory.
He is very sad embraced laurel cry, but the laurel but keep swinging.
他很伤心的抱著月桂树哭泣, 可是月桂树却不停的摇摆。
Laurel is his holy wood, the most favorite pet the dolphins, and crows.
The important thing is that the Old Turtle should think that Im Laurel.
只要海老乌龟不发觉我是冒牌货, 那便没事。
Daphne was pursued by Apollo and was at last changed into a laurel tree.
Competition winners receive laurel, wild olive and palm garlands and so on.
I was born a laurel wood in beauty, is a sincerity of, the woman of docile.
The dried aromatic leaf of the laurel or bay used as a seasoning in cooking.
月桂树叶月桂树的干香叶, 在烹调中用作调味品
Legend has it that the past and more on the mountain laurel the Shan Yi Ming.
相传过去山上多桂树, 所以亦名桂山。
Laurel and Harday were in double harness throughout most of their film careers.
Drag onto the page to add a broadleaf hedge, such as laurel, spirea, or photinia.
拖到绘图页后, 可以添加阔叶树篱, 如月桂, 绣线菊或光叶石楠。
She is holding a laurel crown in her left hand and a palm leaf in her right hand.
她的前面是一个大花冠, 里面写有各个竞赛分项的名称
The officers of the Invalides came immediately behind it, bearing laurel branches.
残废军人院得军官们紧跟在柩车后面, 手里握着桂树枝。
Jade Palace laurel flowers hardly ever, wear down Sin Ying, Hong mining concubine.
玉宫桂树花未落, 仙妾采香垂佩缨。
She ranks first achievement integratedly to be picked with network, message laurel.
Warm temperate zones support broadleaf evergreen forests, including laurel forests.
The nymph, now changed into a Laurel tree, bowed its head in grateful acknowledgment.
What the new Kuangsi clique took over was the awful mess that an old laurel left over.
Drag onto the page to add a broadleaf evergreen shrub, such as laurel or rhododendron.
The Cross of Honour and the Laurel Crown will not be bought and sold for filthy lucre.

单词 laurel 释义

  • 单词释义:(表示荣誉的)桂冠,光荣;[体]〈美〉(比赛的)胜利;[植]月桂树,月桂树叶  [更多..]



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