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单词 laughter 例句大全,用单词laughter造句:

I found the rabbits laughter terrifying. I felt as if Armageddon had come.
Christmas carols and jolly laughter warm the hearts of young and old alike.
Mickey was simply a little personality assigned to the purposes of laughter.
I do walk the walk, not just talk the talk, he said to applause and laughter.
Laughter animated the old man's face, as soon as his son's name was mentioned.
Living life, worries and troubles, sometimes accompanied by laughter and happy.
Sympathy or admiration for artistic skill are felt to be stronger than laughter.
With a cheerful atmosphere, laughter and applause permeate from start to finish.
伴随着祥和的气氛, 晚会自始至终欢声笑语, 掌声雷动。
If ran across an old man in forest, I would be soon lost in our laughter and talk.
偶然值林叟, 谈笑无还期。
What appeared to my vision caused me to roll on the ground in hysterical laughter.
How much is friendship to arouse laughter, tears, how many are Kaigan of friendship.
多少笑声都是友谊唤起的, 多少眼泪都是友谊揩干的。
Laughter burst out from time to time from the Panda Hall, adorned with green bamboos.
The laughter on the boats mingled with that on shore, adding to the jubilation on National Day.
The humorous performances of the competitors made audiences burst into laughter again and again.
而比赛同学的滑稽表演更让大家忍俊不禁, 大笑连连。
Our part is to appear on the stage of the air to sound our tambourines and fling flashes of laughter.
Classmates the burst into laughter, the teacher tells young actor south Africa cannot find polar bear.
同学们都哄堂大笑, 老师告诉小优南非是找不到北极熊的。
Laughter is absolutely contagious, and hopefully these people will make you smile so much your face hurts.
笑声绝对传染, 希望这些人能使你小到脸疼。
Every time when I heard the applause and laughter from the audience, I felt a sense of achievement, he says.
每当听到观众的掌声和笑声时, 我都很有成就感。他说。
The Cen dyes to see Wang Shi Xun that vice serious worry of appearance, annoy all destroy into laughter to come.
岑染看王世勋那副正经担心的样子, 气得都笑出来了。
Little by little the bus trip turned into one great fit of laughter, an uproarious, interminable fit of laughter.
Huck always assumes a serious and thoughtful narrative tone, with obvious intent to be adult alike to incur laughter.
哈克以严肃且深思的口吻来进行叙述, 故作老成以博得笑声
May hold the world the changes in temperature, the world laughter, anger, sorrow, and happiness vicissitudes of life!
When his real laughter had subsided, he continued with simulated laughter in order to scare away the pain in his heart.
Originally, the humans affair cannot stand off the time, the laughter, anger, sorrow and happiness is his defeated general under.
The young woman grew deadly pale, and cast an apprehensive glance upon Maitre Pierre, in whom the bravado of the young gallant seemed only to excite laughter, more scornful than applausive.

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