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单词 largish 例句大全,用单词largish造句:

Dig a largish hole and bang the stake in first.
He has a largish clivia nursery and very abundant types of clivias.
Her face was pale and her eyes were largish and a sort of amber colour.
走过去用手心取一些水上来看, 就会发现它没有颜色。
There is a largish square in Horse guards Parade where you can see the Trooping of the Color.
Cauline upside leaf is lesser into wrap around needle form, close basilar the leaf is largish, into wide spoon form, foliaceous each other is unripe.
茎上部叶较小成披针形, 近基部的叶稍大, 成广匙形, 叶互生。

单词 largish 释义



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