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单词 legally 例句大全,用单词legally造句:

Alabama may have been legally forced by the courts to kill off its segregationist policies.
If tampers with the manuscript to originate arbitrarily, net will hold responsible legally.
如擅自篡改稿件来源, 本网将依法追究责任。
Translation You do not have the authority, legally or morally, to obstruct public communication.
在法律和道德上, 你都没有这个权利去干扰公共交流。
This contract has legally binding force on both parties upon the effective date of this contract.
自生效日起, 本合同对双方均具有法律约束力。
On the Theoretical Basis of the Principle of a Legally Prescribed Punishment for a Specified Crime
The letter of acceptance shall be legally binding on the bid inviting party and the winning bidder.
From that date on, the40 Contracting Parties will be legally bound by the provisions of the Treaty.
In at least five cases, legally incapacitated offenders were surgically castrated, the report said.
No subordinate commander in the expedition could legally have accepted an order from General Giraud.
远征军所属的指挥官, 无一能正式接受吉罗德将军的命令。
Investment verification certificate issued by a legally authorized investment verification authority
Only the English text of these Sales Conditions is legally binding for the contractual relationship.
Recently, Yang on 5 gang backbones already by Public security organ legally arrest on criminal charge.
Hence the lion decides to legally rive away label, it is full of angry to arrive at wild beast middle.
于是狮子决定合法地摘去标签, 它满怀气愤来到野兽中间。
Economic contracts that are void from the time they are concluded shall have no legally binding force.
无效的经济合同, 从订立的时候起, 就没有法律约束力。
Seal or signature of the legal representative of the a lic ant or the person legally authorized thereby.
The plaintiff is of legally interested in revocation or alteration of the specific administrative action.
And urges the Administrative law enforcement organ to investigate the illegal management behavior legally.
The many aspects of this new system are in place and the governmental transfers have been legally tendered.
POW is still legally bound by the Uniform Code of Military Justice and ethically guided by the Code of Conduct.
战俘依然受军法约束, 以及军人守则的道德指导。
Accounting firms shall be legally responsible for the practicing behaviors and liabilities of their branch offices.
The agreement on the repayment of debt shall be legally effective upon the approval by an order of the maritime court.
受偿协议经海事法院裁定认可, 具有法律效力。
Along with a slow developing brain, and legal blindness, it was also determined that she was legally deaf in her right ear.
她大脑发育缓慢, 左眼失明, 右耳失聪也已确诊。
From Legally Blond You know about competition. Its about ferocity, carnage, balancing human intelligence with animal diligence.
She continued diving for 11 yearsand the audience never once figured out that the girl wowing them was completely and legally blind.
This Agreement constitutes a legally binding agreement between the parties hereto. This Agreement should be interpreted in its English version in case of ambiguities.

单词 legally 释义

  • 单词释义:adv.法律上,合法地  [更多..]



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