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单词 later 例句大全,用单词later造句:

Women are generally marrying later, having their first babies later, and living longer.
Later he became a painter of the Imperial Painting academy of the Northern Song Dynasty.
The captain order ordered passengers incurs and crew to abandon ship about an hour later.
一小时后, 船长组织乘客以小队方式弃船。
Later she gave birth to his brother Abel. Now Abel kept flocks, and Cain worked the soil.
Later, he accepted his party's criticism of the mistakes, understand and correct the wrong.
Submission by post will only be accepted if postmarked no later than the said closing date.
Paediatric Accomplishment in the Song, Jin and Yuan Dynasty and Its Influence on Later Ages
The capitain captain ordered passengers and crew to abandon abandon ship about an hour later.
It should come as no surprise to learn that many abused children become abusers later in life.
Later the shock absorber with lowering spring should have to be placed exactly as the original.
It turned out to be absolutely instrumental many decades later in proving Fermat's Last Theorem.
结果几十年后 为证明费马最后定理 奠定了基础
KUJIRA is expected to accelerate as it travels into the westerlies later in the forecast period.
despite of the fact that this may later on cause internal conflict of interests at a later stage.
After their downfall some of these people threatened to settle accounts ten or twenty years later.
Later, the four were accused of homosexual assault on a man and of attempting to abuse him sexually.
后来, 4人被控同性恋性侵, 意图性虐待。
The excess secretion becomes the target for dust and bacteria to accumulate to later develop into acne.
Tang will later spread until now massive ancient times ancient book, stemmed from hand of most the academician.
唐以后流传至今的大量古代典籍, 多数都出自翰林之手。
One week later, the Tsar abdicated under duress and the First Provisional Government took control of the country.
I hope the reorganization will be accelerated even if it is imperfect improvements can be made step by step later.
希望这个调整搞得快一些, 哪怕不完善也可以, 以后逐步改进。
Since then he abandon dream of entering university and came home in Shandong. Later I did never heard of him again.
The investigation was later debunked when it was discovered that an expert had rigged a car to accelerate irregularly.
The first was put in the pound, the second was later on somewhat harassed before the councils of war as an accomplice.
车子被没收, 人后来被军事法庭当作同谋犯交付审讯。
Sooner or later after clean face, take to be draw in the face just the right amount, massage to the complete absorption lightly.
The relation between the hongdumen school of classical philology and the shift of literature academicism of the later han dynasty.
Five years later, he abandoned medicine to become editor of the Leeds Times, following the successful publication of several of his articles about self-improvement.

单词 later 释义

  • 单词释义:较晚地;以后,过后;后来;随后  [更多..]



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