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单词 lead 例句大全,用单词lead造句:

Error Diagnosis of a Family Porphyrism as Abdominal Angina Induced by Lead Exposure
Collection of Airborne Particulate Lead During Abatement and Construction Activities
A cause of medical lead poisoning case mainly expressed as abdominal angina and ileus
So one meeting tends to lead to another meeting and tends to lead to another meeting.
一个又一个 开不完的会议。
Determination of Sn, Ca and Al in Lead Electrode Plane of Lead Storage Battery by AAS
原子吸收光谱法测定铅蓄电池板栅中锡, 钙和铝
The lead extrusion dampers were designed by the plastic yielding ability of the lead.
I am confident that he will ably lead our deliberations on this important agenda item.
我相信, 他将精干地领导我们对这一重要议程项目的审议。
The method of lead chemical phase analysis in lead and zinc concentrate was developed.
The Hetaoping lead zinc deposit in Baoshan is a middle scale of lead and zinc deposit.
保山核桃坪铅 锌矿为一中型铅 锌矿床。
Occupational Exposure During Lead Abatement of Steel Surfaces by Needle Gun Methodology
The experiment and research about how to use lead zine ore to produce lead borate frit.
Lead the organization coordination ability strong, be good at communicating with person!
领导组织协调能力强, 善于与人沟通!
One of the Tienpiaos lead fighters, comes up with a dirty trick. He abduct Chings mother.
Study on the lead effect of tomato fibrin on important organs of mice with lead poisoning
Lead is well known to be toxic and clearly can be absorbed into the body from ambient air.
众所周知, 铅是有毒的, 显然能从环境空气中吸入人体。
The stable variation of lead isotope compositions suggests that it belongs to normal lead.
铅同位素组成变化不大, 属正常铅。
Lead interpuntion is empty of all sizes and levels of lead empty group formed into suites.
It is not good to do without the latter, for its absence would lead to unnatural relations.
Experts say the greatest lead hazard in the home comes from peeling or chipping lead paint.
Ie women will lead to longterm inhalation of benzene foetal growth deformities and abortion.
Combustion of leaded gasoline released lead into the air where it could cause lead poisoning.
Lead Isotope Composition and Sources of Trace Lead in Placer Gold of the Hunchun River Valley
The product is applied to cylinder, oil cylinder, absorber and lead rail of machine tool, etc.
Primary Exploration of Technics in Producing the Recycling Lead from the Waste Lead Accumulator
From delusion lead me to truth From darkness lead me to light From death lead me to immortality

单词 lead 释义

  • 单词释义:在…前面走;引路;连通;通至;领先;领导;导致;使得;引导;过(某种生活)引出;开牌  [更多..]



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