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单词 lazy 例句大全,用单词lazy造句:

The aristocracy are too lazy to work, but they seem to get on all right.
The janitor is so lazy. I have never seen a clean bathroom on this floor.
Ted was lazy and stubborn and his lessons had to be beaten into his head.
Look, my baby fell asleep, and the name of snore, this lazy thing!
Over 8000 rubber ducks made their way down the aquatic center s lazy river.
超过8000只橡胶鸭在水上运动中心得 懒河 顺流而下。
Mother always said that I was lose and lazy, and couldn't do things neatly.
妈妈总说我办事不利索, 成天邋邋遢遢的。
She had a lazy sensual body. That big, lazy seal is climbing onto the bank.
她总是懒洋洋的, 富于肉感。那只懒洋洋的大海豹正往岸上爬。
Flaccid constipation is characterized by a lazy or atonic intestinal muscle.
When those around you are lazy and apathetic be full of energy and enthusiasm.
如果您和惰怠, 冷漠的人在一起, 一定要自励, 洋溢热情。
B. the average buyer is lazy, dislikes work, and will try to do asas possible.
The balcony bound a piece of hammock, can offer the one languid afternoon lazy.
If he is still lazy, he would not realize his ambition which is to be a doctor.
如果他懒惰, 就永远实现不了当医生的志向。
Shirk to deliberately avoid doing something you should do, because you are lazy
There is also a massage Bale located outside the main spa adjacent to lazy pool.
Girlfriend advised him not so lazy, and invited him to see a total solar eclipse.
TEN years a long time to record an album, but Huang Can hasn't exactly been lazy.
用十年来录制一个专辑算是长的时间, 但黄灿却不是在偷懒。
You surrender to your lazy and appetency, and will not have to fight with yourself.
Ah, that looks like a good weapon. Even a lazy bum could take care of it with ease.
Plan to have your breaks for those times. You're going to be lazy then anyway, right?
Do you want to lazy around, drink cocktail or take an adventure in Kenya black Marlin ?
The ease of a slip on cotton dress feels effortless and comfy on lazy Sunday afternoons.
在悠闲的周日下午, 只需轻穿件松棉裙你就会感到轻松舒适。
Because people tend to overestimate the steepness of slopes, and not because we're lazy.
He is lazy to open his mouth, so perhaps lazy to jump as well or he thought it was very silly
他懒得开口, 也许也是懒得跳咯不然, 就是觉得很无聊
The company is to adopt the floating wage system as of next year to award the diligent and punish the lazy
The company leadership award the diligent and punish the lazy, so the employees give full scope to the talents and keep their minds on their work
公司领导奖勤罚懒, 使得员工都人尽其才, 安心工作

单词 lazy 释义

  • 单词释义:懒惰的;没精打采的;慢吞吞的  [更多..]



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