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单词 layout 例句大全,用单词layout造句:

In addition, the design of exhaust ports and layout of fuel injectors are discussed as well.
Geometrical generation for anechoic tile and its layout on the surface of the submarine hull
See the below for the change chart of wedge angle of round eccentricity and unfolded layout.
In addition to the product specifications for different, the layout is not entirely the same.
Like the layout for the deals section and the way that it links off to the affiliate partners.
如同为处理部分和方式, 它链接了向会员伙伴布局。
Workshop layout is reasonable, accord with oneway flow procedures, set the ancillary facilities.
车间布局合理, 符合单向流动规程, 设置了原料库。
Additional copies of the layout drawings and the detailed plans may be required by the Director.
The red and white alternate with representatives of the layout of the overall and collaboration.
Utilize the Advantage of the New System and Layout, Optimize the Allocation of Transport Capacity
In January 2008 Alibaba adjusts a search in layout, she moves hillock to enter clean out treasure.
在2008年1月阿里巴巴调整搜索布局中, 她调岗进入淘宝。
Among them, deep in the layout west of immigration facilities, infrastructure layout in of country.
其中, 深方入境设施布置在西侧, 出境设施布置在东侧。
Handle corrosive, toxic, viscous material equipment are advised by their nature, the compact layout.
处理腐蚀性, 毒, 稠物料的设备宜按物料性质, 紧凑布置。
The layout of vertical braces will affect the mechanical performance of the structure to some extent.
Select the control layout by clicking the orange layout selector at the top left corner of the layout.
Principles of Layout and Strategy of Gradient Development for Advantageous Marketable Grain Base in China
Implementing cultural construction needs comprehensive layout, stepbystep advance, and pivot breakthroughs.
characteristics of the wind environment around the building bottom aerial and different construction layout.
Evaluation on Layout Principle for Draining Wells in Working Slope and Schemes Adjusting during the Later Period
Experience and Lessons of Technical Layout of sand and Aggregate Processing System for Longtan Hydropower Station
With anonymous methods mimic the code layout of a regular method, aligned with the anonymous delegate declaration.
The characteristics of the humid period and the rational layout of the agricultural production in the Loess Plateau.
Studies on Soil Adaptability and Ecological Layout of Grape in the Dry River Valleys of the Upper Reaches of Minjiang River
At the same time I would like it to be able to take advantage of the existing tools like Blend or Illustrator for doing the layout.
The research on layout features of handwriting and their relations with personality have also been adopted by multiple regression methods.
Brief Analysis of General Layout Transportation Design of the First Project of Level Stove Transform in the First Branch Attached to Ma Anshan Steel Factory

单词 layout 释义

  • 单词释义:布局,安排,设计;布置图,规划图  [更多..]



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