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单词 lamp 例句大全,用单词lamp造句:

With the help of the magic lamp, Aladdin and the princess defeated the malevolent African magician.
Floor lamp, wall lamp basically is used at the local lighting of the bedroom, the light is downier.
The system is equipped with an ultraviolet lamp and a halogen lamp that produces nearinfrared light.
Bolite Lighting Manufacturer is specially in manufacturing wall lamp, table lamp lamp and chandelier.
By adopting the structure, during storage, the telescopic lamp bracket pole is embedded in the groove.
Industry Switching Power Supply Chandelier Lamp Decorative light bulbs Energy Saving Lamp Fluorescent.
Lamp Lumens Lamp lumens must be measured using the lamp and ballast that are shipped with the fixture.
Adapt to shoot the incandescent lamp, no transformer such resistance type load, lamps and lanterns.
That lamp holder and the lamp pole adopts casts aluminium or the stainless steel material manufacturing.
Difference of irradiation value of ultraviolet lamp mounted on lamp stands equipped with different ballasts
Industry Ceiling Circular fluorescent tubes Straighttype fluorescent tubes Chandelier Table lamp Floor lamp.
Toilet can be chosen commonly waterproof model solar wall lamp or explosion proof incandescent pendent lamp.
Feasibility Study on the Substitution Xenon Arc Lamp for Carbon Arc Lamp in Light Acceleration Weathering Test
His eyes are like a rightness of telescope of high periods and target by ugg boots altitude of that lamp lamp.
他眼睛就像一对高倍的望远镜, 锁定在了那灯泡的上面。
The lamp hood frame, the lamp hood and the lamp base constitute a hollow chamber for holding the light source.
While a pair of hollow jacks without electrodes are correspondingly and additionally arranged on the lamp base.
The lamp bracket and pole of innovative design achieve a unique and balanced combination finradiator technology.
Whatever we offer, the most important thing is our intention. Besides, the lamp actually refers to the lamp within us!
The head lamp headlamp has used the sea scallop modelling, complements each other with the front part circular fog lamp.
To avoid the possibility of burns, turn off the lamp AT least 30 minutes before removing it for replacement or adjustment.
为避免烫伤, 请在电灯关掉30秒后再行更换或调整。
Comparative Study on Spectrum Constitution Between Fluorescent Lamp and Incandescent Lamp Based on Different Colors of Paper
Cure the set to have with the spirit lamp heating needle, with burn red for degree, order to stab the above acupuncture points.
When installing one quartz lamp, the quartz lamp is equipped with respect to the vertical central line of the cup body as axis.
安装一盏石英灯时, 以杯体的上下中心线为轴设置
The locked fluorescent lamp holder is suitable for mounting the fluorescent lamps which widely use the lamp cap plugging structure.
The difference of visual acuity under high pressure sodiumlamp and that tinder high pressure mercury lamp at all luminance levelsis not significant.

单词 lamp 释义

  • 单词释义:灯;发热灯,照射灯  [更多..]



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