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单词 just 例句大全,用单词just造句:

No, no, I'm just a compassionate person, and I'm just wondering.
Although sometimes you tough, but I just know that you just angry.
Usain Bolt just shattered the 100-meter record! 9.58 is just insane!
It wasn't just about turning up. It wasn't just about shaking a hand.
Just across the border, in Canada, the effects were just as profound.
刚刚跨越了加拿大的障碍, 其作用开始厚积而薄发。
I just keep waiting for an answer to appear, and there just isn't one.
我期待的那个答案 根本就不存在。
Just a reminder this is to be shared just between the bride and groom.
Cherish just like pregnant just, time getting long to can let, find out.
I just laughed and agreed because I don't want to aggravate her just now.
我只是笑笑答应了, 因为暂时我不想把她惹恼了。
She was just angry, and probably meant just the opposite of what she said.
Just from seeing Lutz on stage at auto shows, we think he'll do just fine.
Really, Washington, that is just so20th century. Just look at the numbers.
If you are ever in trouble, don't try to be brave, just run, just run away.
你若遇上麻烦, 不要逞强, 你就跑, 远远跑开。
And those are not just clever words, and those are not just empty theories.
这些并不是乖巧之词, 也不是空洞得理论。
And he just basically just shook his head and crossed his arms at my attempt.
在明亮的夜晚, 我依偎在母亲的怀里用无声的告别, 使。
It was just a nice neighborhood bistro and it was just a glass of Chardonnay.
这只不过是个精致的邻家小酒馆, 只不过是一杯莎当妮。
Just, just because of this actuality, just because this can't evade of exist!
Roy Burton I just arrived home, just after midnight, and received your message.
我在午夜过后刚好回到家, 并收到您的讯息。
Just if you're ever in trouble, don't be brave. You just run, OK? Just run away.
假如有麻烦你不要逞英雄。你只管跑, 好吗?只管跑!
but all of this, just a bunch of ones and zeros, and it's all just mixed together.
Just be careful not to overindulge, or else you might just end up in a sugar coma.
And just to think of one or two people out of Africa who are just really inspiring.
just trying to make conversation just trying to keep the loneliness at bay you know
Alexandra Just to hold it and cuddle with it. Just to have as a pet. I love animals.
I just stand there and let them rant, just let them argue with you, it's the best way.

单词 just 释义

  • 单词释义:刚才;仅仅,只是;正好;刚要  [更多..]



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