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单词 junk 例句大全,用单词junk造句:

I will dispose of all the junk I have accumulated over the years.
Were they junk mail or evidence her husband was having an affair?
There was no mail except the usual junk addressed to the occupier.
He was cooking that junk up in his bathtub before she got involved.
The freeforall nature of the Web is bound to produce a lot of junk.
More recently, there have also been some flows into junk bond funds.
So it's a bit different these days, and there are also acres of junk.
所以,这些天略有不同 也有成堆的垃圾。
AQUARIUS organizes your piles of junk into charity, recycle and compost.
For protecting our common home, please don't throw junk battery at will.
为了保护我们共同的家园, 请不要随意扔废旧电池。
Junk bonds have been investors'snack of choice over the past five years.
The truth is that junk bonds were misnamed, and therefore misunderstood.
always bringing junk.home,as if he were burlesquing his role as provider
In addition, an empty house looks bigger than one crammed with your junk.
此外, 一个比一个空房子显得局促请杂物。
In fact, high credit quality bond yield is always higher than junk bonds.
其实不然, 高信用质量债券的殖利率总是高于垃圾债券。
I waste an average of ten minutes a day just on sorting through junk mail.
Our system of appetite control is completely unpicked by the junk food diet.
At the bottom ofi the quarry, there's this junk yard run by this guy named. albert
Many young kids are at risk of becoming obese because they eat too much junk food.
Spam Unsolicited junk email. Supposedly stands for Stupid Persons Annoying Message.
The public outcries about empty calorie and junk foods have been loud and frequent.
Theres plenty of junk in the basement.Theres beds and ammo crates and a command station.
这个基地中有很多杂乱的东西, 有床, 有弹药箱, 有指挥站。
Junk Sculpture in the Memorial to Damming the Changjiang River of the Three Gorges Project
You needed to get life out of this junk that is present on the early Earth, four, 4. 3 billion years ago.
要从45亿前地球上 这样的混沌里 产生生命
Perk up your kids diet by adding more fruits, vegetables, and whole grains while cutting back on the junk foods.
让孩子多吃水果, 蔬菜, 全麦食品, 减少垃圾食品摄入。
The stereotypical student is a junk food eating, beer guzzling binge drinker who parties all night and sleeps all day.
传统的学生形象是大吃垃圾食品, 狂灌啤酒, 彻夜狂欢。

单词 junk 释义

  • 单词释义:废旧物品,破烂物;中国式平底帆船;便宜货,假货;废话,哄骗  [更多..]



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