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单词 journey 例句大全,用单词journey造句:

The final journey, ends up to turn out orphaned shade accompanying unavoidably.
Step by step the world must continue its historic journey to achieve this goal.
世界必须一步一步地继续自己的历史征程, 以实现这一目标。
Aesthetic Value and Buddhist Implications of the Pig in the Journey to the West
Our journey to Huangshan Mountain this time was more of an adventure than a tour.
Dissemination and Acceptance of the Text of Journey to the West in the Ming Dynasty
From here, the leopard Was transferred into the back of a truck for the journey ahead.
至此, 这只豹子被放到卡车的后面运走
I had a journey to Sanya in Hainan Province last year, and my boyfriend accompanied me.
我去年去三亚玩, 有我男朋友作伴。
It is her first time to go on a long journey, I want to accompany her a short distance.
The point is, try to break through this state of mind when you advance in your journey.
For those who have begun their cloud journey, this skepticism has turned into advocacy.
Although I was absolutely exhausted from the long journey, I could not get off to sleep.
虽然长途旅行使我十分疲劳, 可我就是睡不着。
Admittedly we can make the journey by train, but there is no harm in our travelling by boat.
Join Lara Croft in a mythical journey, as she embarks on her most treacherous adventure yet.
But Guatemalans, accustomed to the dangers of living, seem to take the journey in their stride.
The journey to the West tells how the Tang Monk went to the Western Heaven to acquire scriptures.
According to unofficial accounts, an amusing episode took place during this long and drawn out journey.
She wanted to embrace life in all its fullness and embark on the journey the journey to her inner self.
她多想抱紧生命, 踏上旅途, 一次深入自我的心灵旅途。
There is a performance named"The Journey to the West pinghua" this afternoon in Haidian theater.
The press corps accompanying Nixon did not concern themselves with the longrange implications of the journey.
The novel Continuation of Journey to The West came earlier over100 years than Record of A Journey to The West.
The title of Chapter 61 of Journey to the West is"Sun Wukong's three time acquiring of the palm-leaf fan."
And this is, today, the first time in any sort of public setting I've ever acknowledged the journey that I have been on.
今天 是我第一次 在公共场合 讲述我的经历
One of Tai Shan's caretakers and a veterinarian from the Washington National Zoo are expected to accompany them on the journey.
Was the body dead when abandoned? Was the body abandoned? By whom had it been abandoned? Was the dead body naked or dressed for a journey?
A journey of thousands of miles may not be achieved through accumulation of each single step, just as the enormous ocean may not be formed gathering every brook or stream.

单词 journey 释义

  • 单词释义:n.旅行,旅程v.旅行  [更多..]



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