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单词 keen 例句大全,用单词keen造句:

In addition, a hero must be optimistic and diligent and be keen on his hard work.
After joining, the rich peasants are not keen on doing any work for the associations.
入会后, 也并不热心替农会做事。
Since it's organic, I'm really keen to try and minimize the addition of any chemicals.
既然这是有机材料 我试图少加化学物质进来
Spanish daily AS reports that Malaga are keen on a loan deal for Liverpool star Babel.
You may, for example, have a keen appreciation of different artistic and musical styles.
例如, 你对不同的艺术与音乐风格有着很敏锐地欣赏能力。
She was more or less abandoned by Western governments keen to curry favour with Mr Meles.
Those who are skilled at this activity normally have an extremely keen spatial awareness.
The Supremes have been particularly keen on arbitration as a means of resolving disputes.
But I am keen on the flowers, vegetables and fruit which grow in rich abundance in Peiping.
We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await with keen interest your trial order.
We trust the above will be acceptable to you and await your trial order with keen interest.
我们希望你方将接受上述订单, 殷切期待你方的试订单。
Malay associations have also organised courses for Malays who are keen to pick up Mandarin.
But Yahoo! was not keen to join the effort to become an advertising counterweight to Google.
There is a keen competition in light industrial product, so I advise you to lower your price.
Anecdotal evidence suggests southern Europeans are keen to fill at least part of that demand.
坊间证据显示, 南欧人热切地希望填补至少部分缺口。
A keen awareness of right from wrong is essential for determining appropriate social behavior.
Southern African countries are keen to see the lifting of the worldwide ban on the ivory trade.
It is with a keen sense of urgency that we state our views, and we await your considered opinion.
But their interest in the price and availability of potash, a mineral used in fertilizers, is keen.
Suitable job vacancy advertisements in the papers were few and the competition seemed to be quite keen.
On the modern antisubmarine warfare helicopter is loaded with keen hangs puts the type sound or the sound buoy.
The Fairy Temple, the clock milk is plentiful full, extremely keen, just as just pretty fairy maiden of a bath.
The fairy temple, the clock milk is plentiful full, extremely keen, just as just pretty fairy maiden of a bath.
神女宫, 钟乳丰满, 玲珑剔透, 一如刚出浴的秀美仙女。
The most serious impact travel agencies will encounter is the keen competition for qualified personnel after China joins the WTO.
Do not attack soldiers whose temper is keen. Do not swallow bait offered by the enemy. Do not interfere with an army that is returning home.

单词 keen 释义

  • 单词释义:渴望的;热衷的;着迷的;敏捷的;强烈的;灵敏的;激烈的;低廉的;寒冷的;锋利的  [更多..]



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