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单词 jug 例句大全,用单词jug造句:

Beads of moisture perspired through the porous walls of the clay jug.
Piani was taking the wooden cork out of a big wickercovered wine jug.
皮安尼把一个大酒瓮的木塞子拨了出来, 酒瓮外用柳条包好。
This jug must have a crack somewhere because it doesn't retain water.
Just then, a young man came to deliver water with a water jug in hand.
She struck forth, unfortunately hitting the jug of honey above the bed.
The bed, the mirror, the white jug and basin gleam like the sky outside.
床, 镜子, 白色的口缸和面盆, 跟屋外的天空一样闪闪发光。
The redesign of the gallon milk jug is a typical example of this change.
After considerable thought, he emptied the water into a wash basin and jug.
Among the flowers with a jug of wine, I was sitting by myself and drinking alone.
花间一壶酒, 独酌无相亲。
DRYERLINT HOLDER Place a jug with a hole cut out of the side in the laundry room.
The mandate namely still brights on rich brocade sent to a jug of wine to come up.
还照着锦绣的吩咐, 送了一壶酒上来。
He ran his forefinger around the lip of the jug, then put the finger in his mouth.
The food bowl and the jug are hastily filled the door is locked the eyes disappear.
Shakespeare frequented inns and alehouses and often wrote his plays over a jug of ale.
Fragments of a nearly complete jug, skillfully restored at the institute of archaeology.
After worshiping the ancestors, he gave a jug of libation to the servants who helped him.
Please use a clean jug or container to collect your urine, and then pour into the bottle.
as she speaks, leona grabs a gray water jug and exits through the door, disappearing into the darkness.
An aesthetic and nostalgic set would be made up of the warming bowl, the sake jug, and two scenting cups.
Cost Bottled water can cost approximately 1 for a gallon jug, while tap water costs pennies on the dollar.
花费瓶装水大约每加仑1美元, 而自来水仅需几美分。
An under glaze blue and white cream or milk jug of European form decorated with peonies and rock work within a fenced garden.
欧洲形制的青花牛奶或奶油瓶, 瓶上饰栅栏内牡丹石头纹。
It was a direct hit. The jug shattered into pieces over the back of his head and he fell to the ground, unconscious and bleeding.
而且他也昏迷不醒的倒在地上, 还流着血。
Unable to contain herself, she pickedup the clay jug off the ground and, with all her might, threw it at the burly man as he walked away.
pot tazza lachrymatory cruse jar carafe jug fllower pitcher amphora vessel holder canister potiche urn container decanter bottle receptacle.
If be to experience bivouac lives, do not forget take the matter such as cause of tent, sleeping bag, moistureproof mat, fire, jug.

单词 jug 释义

  • 单词释义:n.水壶,监牢,[象声]模仿夜莺的叫声;vt.放入壶中,炖,关押;vi.模仿夜莺叫  [更多..]



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