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单词 jim 例句大全,用单词jim造句:

Jim did not answer back lest his mother should be angry with him.
Ann had been cohabiting with Jim for years before getting married.
Jim shut himself away for a month to catch up on his academic work.
Let's blow Jim's suggestion around and see if we all agree with it.
我们来议论一下吉姆的建议, 看是否大家都同意。
Jim walked aimlessly on the street, his coat was out at the elbows.
吉姆漫无目的地在街上游荡, 他的上衣已破烂不堪。
Alexandra sell their own long Jim, bought for a platinum bracelets.
I'm looking for Mr. Jim Adams in the International Business Section.
Jim is having a power lunch with some of his clients this afternoon.
Mike Butcher, the Angels pitching coach, led Jim to his sons locker.
天使的投手教练, 带领他来到他儿子的置物柜。
After months of refusing Mary yielded to Jim and agreed to marry him.
玛丽拒绝几个月之后向吉姆作了让步, 并同意和他结婚。
Jim has to get a lot of algebra under his belt before the examination.
I find Jim Carrey to be very amusing. His movies always make me laugh.
Alice was not about to stand around and watch while Jim and Nan argued.
I don't want to sound too pessimistic, but Jim is just advantage of you.
我不想听起来很悲观, 但是吉姆只是在利用您。
Jim and Anne have now resolved to take one another for better for worse.
Jim and I adore the intricate details and curves in Chinese architecture.
Some words Jim always spells wrong. He always tries to steer clear of them.
吉姆总是把某些单词拼错, 因此, 他总是不用这些单词。
Li LEI Its half past ten now! Wheres Jim Im beginning to get angry with him!
Jim is devastated to learn that he was a bastard child adopted by his parents.
It was alleged that Alan,who did not arrive on time,had been booked in by Jim.
When Jim heard the fire alarm he kept his head and looked for the nearest exit.
The only way Jim could solve the algebra problem was method of trial and error.
要解决这道代数题, 吉姆唯一能做的就是不怕失败, 反复尝试。
Jim asked Andy to shake hands with him, just to sow that there were no hard feeling.
Uncontrollable anger swept in on Jim when he learned how his girl friend had been treated.
当吉姆得知女友所受到的待遇时, 他火冒三丈。
Jim Cavanaugh is a bomb expert who worked for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives.

单词 jim 释义



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