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单词 jealous 例句大全,用单词jealous造句:

He conceals the fact thatuhe ag is jealous of my seal and wantsto steal it.
But a woman of average height could become jealous if her rival were taller.
I have to admit that I would be jealous of a girl if she was your girlfriend.
Now, Aphrodite was very jealous goddess and she grew very angry about Psyche.
In addition, many a one was jealous of her golden hair and of her white teeth.
Jimmy And your shoes! My grandfather would be jealous if he were still alive.
Sun Bin did much better than Pang Juan and Pang Juan was deeply jealous of him.
Zeus also enjoy Helen, and jealous of his looks, arranged a shooter to kill him.
However, we are not jealous, we expect our students to achieve higher than we do.
我们并不因此心生妒意, 我们希望学生超过老师。
Autumn is also influenced by the WanFei and royal balladry, seven artful jealous.
春华的曲艺也受万妃及帝喜欢, 七巧妒忌。
She admits other girls her age were jealous of her and would pick on her at school.
You are such a beautiful lady that your father must adore you so much Im so jealous
姐姐长得这么漂亮, 爸爸肯定很疼你了真是羡慕死咯
But we are all jealous of one another, which is another way of belittling the King.
Her boyfriend will be jealous even if she just stands a little close to another man.
甚至她跟别的男人站得稍微近点儿, 她男朋友都会吃醋。
Sidestepping the accusation, Jackson claimed Cocker was just jealous of his popularity.
The emerging powers are jealous of their sovereignty and ambivalent about human rights.
She always feels jealous towards those who are better than her in one aspect or another.
Feelings of jealous anger crept into Cains heart, and thoughts of murder pervaded his mind.
They started to feel miserably jealous asas they arrived and saw the wonderful home of Psyche.
她们看到普绪喀美丽的家之后, 立刻开始异常嫉妒起她来。
how often William must have felt jealous of friends who were merely posh and rich and anonymous.
有多少次威廉嫉妒他那些时尚, 富有却不出名的朋友。
All this has happened because people are jealous of you, because you are so smart and successful.
His jealous competitors often accuse him of being too acquisitive and of taking away their business.
There is a feeling on Merseyside that Mourinho is jealous of the side which have proved a cup bogey team to his champions.
I feel peoples attitude to me become warmly and respectful, although some guys maybe are jealous of me, still good friends to me.
Women in Boudoir in High Society Being Jealous and Shrewish as a Prevailing Practice in the Wei,Jin,Southern and Northern Dynasties

单词 jealous 释义

  • 单词释义:妒忌的;羡慕的;精心守护的;吃醋的  [更多..]



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