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单词 jasper 例句大全,用单词jasper造句:

Website of portal of QQ of 2 Tecent net is to amuse all along give priority to, compare small jasper.
Following Conclave in Jasper this year past, three small pieces were released as they no longer served.
The photo shows Mr Jasper at the meeting to present his election platform and take questions from members.
The ribbon stones are consisted of different color pebbles such as agate, chalcedony, jasper and quartzite.
This Jasper makes an analysis of the existing course provision and puts forward a new system for the grogram.
该文对目前课程设置进行了分析, 并提出了新课程体系方案。
Aoyama embrace the green water, green water the reflection of mountains, mountain like jasper, water like mirror.
青山拥抱着绿水, 绿水倒影青山, 山似碧玉, 水似明镜。
And the one who sat there had the appearance of jasper and carnelian. A rainbow, resembling an emerald, encircled the throne.

单词 jasper 释义

  • 单词释义:n.[矿物]碧玉(绿色装饰用宝石)  [更多..]



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