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单词 jeopardy 例句大全,用单词jeopardy造句:

The hold up in the supply of fuel puts our whole advance in jeopardy.
His argument against the manager will put his employment in jeopardy.
There is jeopardy, and of course, the closer you get, it gets harder.
He realizes that his career is in jeopardy and he might even be arrested.
他意识到, 自己的饭碗或将不保, 甚至会被逮捕。
With the impact of small workshops, wedding brand position in jeopardy.
This building is in jeopardy of collapsing if there is a major earthquake.
You can assure your feline that your court date was never in real jeopardy.
As a lowerranking cadre at the time, Mr.Nhem En is not in jeopardy of arrest.
宁恩当时不过是低阶干部, 没有遭官方缉拿的危险。
The politician put his career in jeopardy by getting caught accepting bribes.
The Principle Against Double Jeopardy in the International Arbitration for Sports
These results, if normal, usually are sufficient to exclude imminent fetal jeopardy.
这些结果如果正常, 通常足以排除危急的胎儿危险。
Our chances of winning are being placed in jeopardy by frequent ill ness among the team.
Well, our team definitely is not in jeopardy, and the league is absolutely not in jeopardy.
我们的球队肯定没有陷于危险, 联盟也绝对地没有置身危险。
Their hostility to freedom and the rule of law puts the very future of humanity in jeopardy.
Television, radio emergency communication towers on top of a mountain are also now in jeopardy.
位于山顶的电视, 电台紧急通讯塔也岌岌可危。
Television, radio, emergency communication towers on top of the mountain are also now in jeopardy.
在山上的电视台, 电台, 紧急呼叫塔都境地危机。
And with that living in jeopardy, they l undoubtedly make use of their own best practices to save it.

单词 jeopardy 释义

  • 单词释义:危险;危险境地;被告在法庭上有被判罪的危险  [更多..]



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