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单词 jointly 例句大全,用单词jointly造句:

This regulation is the conclusion jointly made during our board meeting. Everyone should abide by it.
这项规定是我们理事会共议决定的结果, 请大家遵照执行。
The joint holders of a share Shall be jointly and Severally liable to pay all calls in respect thereof.
Some relationships between Markov chains in random environments and jointly Markov chains are discussed.
Properties accumulated by the venture in its operation process shall be jointly owned by all the parties.
合作企业经营积累的财产, 归合作各方共有。
YIKAIQISHENG, hope is with your handhand advance side by side, and models jointly more brilliant tomorrow!
一开奇胜, 愿与您携手并进, 共同塑造更加辉煌的明天!
The Kuomintang, and Communist Party declared jointly by telex nationwide unity in the fight against Japan.
Article 50 appeal decisions Appeal Committee shall be jointly made by three Commissioners Appeal Committee.
Article57 guaranteed equal rights for men and women regarding property acquired jointly during the marriage.
Develop routine supervision work of team management section jointly with assistant head of the Chinese party.
The nature of the company is jointly funded by all the shareholders to establish limited liability companies.
In the construction action, we must unify the situation, grasps jointly and manage concertedly in many aspects.
What oneself should make is join a hand with him, review deliberate jointly, take an examination of jointly on.
自己要作的是和他连手, 共同复习研讨, 共同考上。
Defendants Lv Yuan Cheng played a leading role in this jointly committed crime and is the principal in this case.
Science and education Technological innovation will be advanced, and Sinoforeign jointly run schools encouraged.
The Sum Insured of this Contract is jointly fixed by the Applicant and the Company and clearly stated on the Policy.
This paper introduces the computational method on jointly discharge of the overtopped cofferdam during construction.
be contracted for management by households individually or jointly within the said collective economic organizations
The price of a corpus is to be solely determined by its owner or jointly determined by the owner and the CCC council.
The Labor Union, the Communist Youth League and the Women's Federation are jointly promoting the birth control policy.
The whole nation made concerted efforts, shared bitter hatred against the enemy, and jointly resisted foreign aggression.
整个民族团结奋斗, 同仇敌忾, 共御外侮。
Fourth, the Zongzhiwei function display and various departments grasp jointly and manage concertedly and so on situations.
In order to activate market purchasing power, the two companies decided to lower the price to jointly sell some of the stock goods.
The parties concerned shall jointly sign the mediation document and the superintendency administration shall confirm it by affixing its seal thereon.
In the 1990s Tsugio Makimoto and David Manners jointly wrote the first book with digital nomad in the title, adding the bewildering possibilities of the latest gadgets to the vision.
Science belongs to all human beings. Only when peace-loving people jointly master scientific knowledge can they unite together and form an immense power to conquer nature and bring progress to society.

单词 jointly 释义

  • 单词释义:共同地,联合地,连带地;旅  [更多..]



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