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单词 jaws 例句大全,用单词jaws造句:

Once the koala is dinging to the dogs underside, the dog cant get at it with its jaws.
Combination pliers with side cutting jaws transparent insulated handles, chrome plated
There was a gray stubble of beard stippled over Primitivo's jaws, his lip and his neck.
Fishers are reputed to fear the jaws of the ratfish more than they do the dorsal spine.
Conclusion Expectant treatment is an efficient therapeutic tool for radionecrosis of jaws.
It has armor and limbs like a crustacean, but has the massive hinged jaws of other fishes.
We owe both the lever system in our jaws and small bones in our ear to our shark ancestors.
And they snatched victory from the jaws of defeat in the European Championship Final in2000.
And let this be enough to know concerning the first valley and the souls locked in its jaws.
Turned a head apt see eye Tang Wan Lou, the corner of jaws smiling of side mind came behind afresh.
But, as soon as, he put the pointed arrow in his mouth, it pricked his jaws and went through his head.
可是, 它一嘬利箭, 箭就冲中它的口, 从头上穿出。
She singled out the lion cub immediately and began to hiss aggressively at the lion cub with open jaws.
Cephalopods having two gills. transparent insulated handle long flat nose pliers with side cutting jaws
The upper and lower jaws possess straight tooth rows and the jaw arches are almost rectangular in shape.
Objective To evaluate the application effect of the ball attachment implant denture in the edentulous jaws.
He possessed the broadbrush lineament, the dusky complexion and the broad square jaws with inflexible will.
他有一张粗线条的脸庞, 皮肤微黑, 阔大, 坚毅的方下巴。
Butterfly fish's mouth specially small, two jaws teeth are slender, incisive, leans the line basic integrity.
The complication nose conglutination 12 cases, antrum jaws atresia 3 cases, post operation hemorrhage 0 cases.
A preliminary study of angiographic classification and treatment of central arteriovenous malformations in jaws
Another, the brightness is handsome, dont exceedingly is surging in jaws, fall into conversation with pure that.
Manufactured from chrome vanadium steel, hardened and ground jaws with narrow profile for easier access and use in confined areas.
Digging in Madagascar, an international team unearthed the fossil jaws of two dinosaurs that appear to be about 230 million years old.
The Effect of Complete Dentures Finished According to Different Kinds of Teeth Arrange Method on the Supporting Tissues of Edentulous Jaws
The comparison of bone densities of mandible and coxofemoral region between senile people with edentulous jaws and those with dentate jaws
Mouth Teeth of good size. Jaws strong with a perfect, regular and complete scissor bite, i. E. Upper teeth closely overlapping lower teeth and set square to the jaws.
牙齿排列整齐。上下颚结实, 剪状咬合。

单词 jaws 释义

  • 单词释义:口;狭口;咽喉;鬼门关;下巴( jaw的名词复数 );颌;口部;狭窄入口  [更多..]



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