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单词 join 例句大全,用单词join造句:

Shes about to graduate from the police academy when McGarrett recruits her to join his team.
Join Lara Croft in a mythical journey, as she embarks on her most treacherous adventure yet.
But Yahoo! was not keen to join the effort to become an advertising counterweight to Google.
With adore recreational time of absolute degree, the hat will again join magic power for you.
与爱人共度休闲时光时, 帽子会给你频添魅力。
Achieve join line of business and character, this crisis also accelerated whole industry shuffle.
The Blues ace is just the latest big name to join a long list of crocked stars at Stamford Bridge.
Should we again break thy commandments, and join in affinity with the people of these abominations?
And if any of you would like to join us on this great adventure, please come and see me later today.
The message says, period Lilanka already also expressed to join this affiliation to plan of purpose.
有消息称, 期里兰卡也已表示有意加入该联营计划。
Introducer of join or be admitted to the party is held the position of by education contact commonly.
The joint may be used to join a pair of structural components, for instance in an aerospace application.
Be opposite additionally cannot join the computer of Internet, cloud safety exists in name only possibly.
另外对不能连接互联网的计算机, 云安全就可能形同虚设。
To Understand and Deal with Accurately the Issues that The Owners of Private Enterprises Can Join the Party
I voluntarily join the world Book of Changes to learn, is willing toobserve the academic society regulation.
And Yasuhisa Shiozaki, a former chief cabinet secretary, has not accepted Watanabe's entreaties to join him.
The window narrative of the shallow lotus green up use silk thread to briefly adorn to join Di lotus pattern.
At the close of the year, may I ask you to join me in a toast to greater business achievements in the new year.
Whether the circulator flow should join the additional circulating flow or not is the focal point in the argument.
Foreign trade dealers may establish or join Chambers of Commerce for importers and exporters in accordance with law.
Join professional clubs of principals actively to enhance the interaction and development of professional knowledge.
If you create a join by mistake, for example, a join between two fields that have dissimilar data types, you can delete it.
如果错误地创建了一个联接, 可以将其删除。
Introducer of join or be admitted to the party but by development him object invite, or by the party the organization is appointed.
The investigation and thinking about the achievement motive and psychology of university students who chases to join the postgraduate examination
Those who collaborate with those personnel as listed in the aforementioned two paragraphs and join the crime are considered as committing a joint crime.
Join Administration of Individual and General Cases for Safe Production View Points to Pressure Vessel Classification Administration in Pharmaceutical Industry

单词 join 释义

  • 单词释义:加入…之中;加入;参与;连接;会合;上(车等)  [更多..]



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