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单词 joey 例句大全,用单词joey造句:

Joey, why did you tell Chandler that Monica was getting a boob job?
Joey starts to the shower with a grim, determined look on his face.
Joey, the last time an actor did something this bad a president died.
乔依, 上次一位医生做不好事, 总统死了。
And while I'm at it, I thought I'd beat the crap out of Joey Tribbiani!
同时, 我要把乔伊崔比昂尼打到爆!
Joey's dad was a champion bouncer. No kangaroo can jump higher than him.
Joey says you don't really like his hat, but I think it's kinda dashing.
There is a loud knocking at the door through which Joey has just entered.
乔伊进来后, 敲门声又大声响起。
Yes, I am. As of today, I am officially Joey Tribbiani, actor slash model.
是的。从今天起, 我的正式身份就是乔伊。崔比安尼, 演员兼模特。
At the moment, we are benefiting from a release clause to get Joey Barton.
The first three years of his life,Joey spent in surgery, casts and braces.
Phoebe tells Joey and Rachel to watch, learn and to not eat her cookie. Af.
Hes being a good dad to Jessica and some sort of reality principle to Joey.
他是杰西卡的好爸爸, 教育乔伊也是他的事。
Joey, what are you doing with the bag? You're audition is not until tomorrow.
The dingo slinks forward while the joey, unaware, keeps busy grooming himself.
There in the corner, still hanging on the wall, was Joey s lucky bat and glove.
在墙角, 依然挂在墙上的, 是乔伊的幸运球棒和手套。
Joey and his buddies kicked off their summer vacation with a trip to the beach.
Chandler and Joey gawk at the Xerox girl, who invites them both to a dance club.
钱德和乔伊迷上了搞复印的女孩, 女孩邀他二人同去跳舞。
Joey believes the chair miraculously healed itself, so Rachels keeps the new chair.
Refuge keepers have adopted the joey and are raising it in a bucket lined with towels.
Alonso left the a stretcher last weekend following a highfrom Newcastle's Joey Barton.
Having never lived alone, Joey decides to take him up on it, which disheartens Chandler.
乔伊自小从未独立生活过, 所以决定一试。这可伤了钱德的心。
CHANDLER Thats whats weird Joey, the mans been captain of a cereal for the last 40 years.
钱勒这也叫古怪?乔伊, 这个人给麦片当了40年船长。
Cut to Joey watching TV in the corner. He makes an extravagant gesture of disappointment.
Joey Chestnut set a world record when he consumed 59.5 hotdogs and buns in just 12 minutes.
Joey watched the play of emotion across their faces, but while he clearly had their sympathy, it was also clear which way they were leaning.

单词 joey 释义



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