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单词 jump 例句大全,用单词jump造句:

The advantage is that jump shot is not as easy as opponents were sealed.
Jumping events include the high jump,long jump,triple jump and pole vault.
Aluminum chassis with jump bar and double action adjustable aluminum trucks.
The Effect of Aerodynamic Force to the Performance of Shot Put and Long Jump
Fleas jump, so they will jump up and hit the top over and over and over again.
I'd jump up abruptly, in the middle of a word, but I still couldn't shake them.
Experimental Study on Approach Training in Long Jump with Acoustic Rhythm Model
But will people jump out of environmental activism or a commitment to the bizarre
但是, 人们是出于环境的考虑而跳, 还是因为好奇呢
In addition, puppies in a den jump over one another for their mother's attention.
Analysis of the Technical Parameters Which Affect the Achievement of Man's Pole Jump
Advanced discussion ahead, tread with caution, or jump straight to the next section.
一些更高级的讨论, 请仔细阅读, 或者跳到下一节。
The jump in Hong Kong prices is ahead of any recovery in other international cities.
When you think of his time, your heart beats faster, in a short while jump jump slowly.
Teacher No you cant. A monkey cant jump high. A kangaroo can jump high. Who can run fast.
Promote western agriculture and rural economics implementation are crossed jump development.
Those three only dog son jump to jump to go to in his in front, at the same time deprecatingly
If so, the United States would become the latest country to jump aboard the happiness bandwagon.
一旦实现, 美国将成为引领幸福感潮流的国家。
On the Taking off Opportunity of Accelerating Swing Forward of the Swinging Leg in the Long Jump
No amount of encouragement would make him jump, ie Despite much encouragement he refused to jump.
无论怎麽鼓励他, 他也不跳。
Heart without delusion, sufficient without jump go, man without false pay, content does not jump from you.
心无妄想, 足无妄走, 人无妄交, 物无妄受。
The height of the jump, jump power and other parameters are automatically calculated from the take-off force.
No one can jump a centimetre higher than the height he can jump, nor run a minute longer than the length he can run.
任何人不可超过速度一分一秒, 逾越高度一分一厘。
The Investigation Of The Three Jump Proportion Characteristics In Halt Triple Jump For Boys In College Entrance Examination
In the U.K. Internet advertising is expected to soar by 218% in 1999 to $89.4 million, and in France a 164% jump to $50.8 million is projected.
Good scorers can make jump shots but must also learn to attack the glass. Good scorers can make jump shots but must also learn to drive to the basket.

单词 jump 释义

  • 单词释义:跳;跳上;跃过;快速移动;猛地一跳;突升;突然转变;略去;突然跳出正常位置;突然袭击  [更多..]



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