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单词 incur 例句大全,用单词incur造句:

Therefore whoever resists authority resist what God has appointed and those who resist will incur judgment.
CLIENT hereby authorizes ATTORNEYS to incur all reasonable costs and expenses necessary in ATTORNEYS judgment.
Thus, the study should encompass responsibility which international organizations incur for their wrongful acts.
Huck always assumes a serious and thoughtful narrative tone, with obvious intent to be adult alike to incur laughter.
哈克以严肃且深思的口吻来进行叙述, 故作老成以博得笑声
What are all the other costs you incur in your business that need to be covered before you can start earning a profit
We expect to incur a minimum of 250, 000 in expenses in order to effectuate our plans regarding our money transfer business.
我们希望至少筹集250, 000美元以满足关于我们的转账业务的开支。
Lack of mobility may mean that older people with disabilities have to incur the cost of private transport in order to get about.

单词 incur 释义

  • 单词释义:招致,引起;遭受  [更多..]



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