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单词 incredible 例句大全,用单词incredible造句:

I mean, just incredible to see bunches of gharial basking on the river again.
There is also the Dead Sea, and Aqaba, where we have an incredible Coral Reef!
We also have audio books, collectible comics and jewelry at incredible pricing.
我们以难以置信的价格也有声读物, 漫画, 珠宝珍藏。
All across the boreal, we're blessed with this incredible abundance of wetlands.
纵观整个北方森林,我们幸运地拥有 丰富的湿地资源
Itit's an incredible airplane. It's beautiful. I've never seen anything like it.
And so I had to assemble an incredible team around me to help me with this task.
It was an incredible atmosphere definitely one of the best Ive ever experienced.
She must have incredible power to be able to appear to me while I was in samadhi.
This incredible weapon was the fruit of the labor of three great Angel blacksmiths.
You'll multitask applications faster and unleash incredible digital media creation.
By coincidence, Pembrey had access to another incredible trove of genetic information.
幸运的是, 彭布雷有机会利用另一组宝贵的遗传数据库。
Incredible scenery. Apparently, the shot was made on the boat in the middle of the sea.
不可置信的景象。很显然, 这是在大海中的一条船上拍的。
A recipe for the incredible Fish Feast can now be purchased for Dalaran Cooking Awards.
Begin with a scenic airplane tour over beautiful Lake Mead and the incredible Hoover Dam.
And that's a really, really incredible insight into how the mind makes sense of advantage.
而这对我们理解大脑如何看待优势 提供了非常好的启发
The machines are all running, absolutely incredible to see what the scale of industries are.
机器正在工作之中 这样的工业场景是非常具有震撼力的
I lived with incredible birds, incredible animals, I swam in our small rivers with our caimans.
Take an introductory diving cruise to the Great Barrier Reef for an incredible underwater experience.
A very well-crafted story. The pacing is great and though the acting is not incredible, it’s still solid.
There is something about gratitude that lessens anxiety and opens the door to peace and incredible faith in your life.
Jeon Do Yeon has won the Best Actress Award 8 times including at the 2007 Cannes Film Festival. Her acting is incredible!
Ha, I know why it has such incredible sales volume. Im gonna write a book The Apple Is Cubic. Probably it will sell well, too.
湖南森林覆盖率居全国第四位, 森林蓄积量4亿立方米。
We are here today to announce the filing incredible court of a lawsuit that challenges the constitutionality of the war against Libya.
With mouths agape and eyes distended, the audience listened to the canoeists incredible story of survival after being capsized by the rivers rapids.
划舟人从急流覆舟中死里逃生的奇闻, 令听众们都目瞪口呆。
If you fantasize of becoming James Bond, Incredible Adventures, ' covert operations. ' camp lets dreamers live the life of an international man (or woman) of mystery.

单词 incredible 释义

  • 单词释义:不可思议的;惊人的;难以置信的;未必可能的  [更多..]



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