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单词 increased 例句大全,用单词increased造句:

Fertilizer nitrogen accumulation from topdressing was increased, reducing the amount of basal fertilizer.
Conversely, changes in consumption patterns induced by increased environmental awareness could accelerate.
Increased rate of consumption is generally accepted as visible indicators of alcohol induced intoxication.
Pancreas Production of digestive juices is increased, leading to upper abdominal pain, nausea and vomiting.
abstract Objective To analyze the cause and preventive strategy for increased measles incidence in infants.
The absorbance value increased with the rise of the alcohol concn. and the increase of the extraction times.
随着乙醇浓度的升高和浸提次数的增加, 吸光度值增加。
Unsettled Science Predictions of an acceleration of increased temperatures are exaggerated. . . . read more.
Increased delegation of authority goes together with a demand for increased transparency and accountability.
在进一步放权的同时, 需要提高透明度和增强问责制。
The corneal thickness increased and the injury of endothelium aggravated when intraocular tension increased.
眼压增高者角膜厚度增加, 内皮细胞损伤加重。
an acquisition based on analysis of the benefits of consolidation in anticipation of increased earning power.
In addition, the laser absorptivity of materials can be increased by filling wire during the laser welding course.
Psychomotor retardation rate were increased in striking contrast with fall of Chinese and mathematics achievement.
The discontinuous circulation will become continuous with increased gas fluxcirculation flux will also be increased.
After aerobic training, the contractility of left ventricles is increased. Therefore, the stroke volume is increased.
Along with quickening speed, walking frequency and length was improved, unit energy expenditure increased accordingly.
随着速度加快, 步频加快, 步幅加大, 单位能耗增加。
In order to improve the successful ratio during intravenous transfusion, needling time should be increased accurately.
Compound not only increased the kinds of flavor substances, but also increased the concentrations of flavor substances.
复配不仅增加了呈味物质的种类, 也提高了呈味物质的浓度。
The photosensitivity, alkaline solubility and viscosity of products increased as the ratio of maleic anhydride increased.
RESULTS The soft capsule of Cannabis oil increased dejection amounts,shortened the first defecation time and increased.
The results showed that the air content ratio would be increased with the air intake quantity and frother density increased.
Insensitivity of acetylcholinesterase and increased activity of esterase in the resistant cotton aphid, Aphis gossypii Glover
The forces of law and order were increased immediately with a view to ensuring the security and safety of the accredited embassies.
Under the same soil texture, as antecedent soil moisture increased, infiltration rate decreased and runoff intensity increased.
So the antioxidative ability in lard emulsion was obviously increased when concentration of total flavonoids extractive was increased.
The measurement precision of the high accuracy gravitation exploration technology has been increased from rank of milligal to microgal.

单词 increased 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.增加的,增强的  [更多..]



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