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单词 incentive 例句大全,用单词incentive造句:

Directors who possess a low risk preference are better offered cash reimbursement incentive.
Too often, an incentive period is chosen and elementary, important activities are overlooked.
A year or two before the incentive expires, the success of the incentive should be evaluated.
在激励手段期满前一, 两年, 应评估该激励手段的效果。
In the absence of clear political leadership, negotiators have an incentive to be risk averse.
如果没有明确的政治领导, 谈判代表们就会趋利避害。
The Research on Middle Manager's Compensation Incentive of Yongzhou Hongji Real Estate Company
The incentive for innovation is higher for an insider patentee compared to an outsider patentee.
This hotel and take the effectiveness of the means of incentive insufficient are closely related.
The Analysis of Implicit Incentive Mechanism in the Repeated Game of Military Products Acquisition
The convention, exhibition and incentive travel sector is a key component of the tourism industry.
The child has no incentive to study harder because his parents cannot afford to send him to college.
这孩子没有努力学习的动力, 因为他父母供不起他上大学。
The compensation of an employee consists of two parts a stable base salary and a variable incentive.
Tragedy of the commons is the worst incentive problem provoked by ambiguously defined property rights.
In terms of material incentive, it proposes to set up a scientific and reasonable compensation system.
在物质激励方面, 提出建立科学合理的薪酬体系。
And their incentive to write an exploit has much more to do with bravado and bragging rights than money.
And so that clearly is a significant enough incentive for people to seek out those kinds of opportunities.
Science provided the incentive for this new movement by drastically reducing the rate of infant mortality.
Because if you improve those things, then people are going to have an incentive to avoid AIDS on their own.
因为你一旦改进这些 人们就会自觉地防治艾滋病
Therefore, the first payments of the retention incentive will be due only in the last year of the biennium.
Practice of greening agriculture applied in Crested Ibis habitat conservation under marketing incentive mechanism.
Furthermore, the fiscal incentive for excessive borrowing is independent of whether companies are privately owned.
He advocated the planting of cash crops such as cotton, mulberries and hemp, offering tax exemptions as an incentive.
提倡种植棉, 桑, 麻等经济作物, 免除他们三年的赋税。
Consequently, there exist serious flaws in stockholding structure, internal control mechanism, and incentive mechanism.
They had incentive structures that encouraged excessive risktaking and shortsighted behaviour. And that was no accident.
他们的机制鼓励过度冒险和短视行为, 而这并不偶然。
Research on the Incentive Mechanism of Humanistic Management in Library from the Perspective of Flexible Accounting Matters
All this are the foundation of the next part. Secondly, it analyzes incentive mechanism and restraint mechanism of Shanxi Bank.

单词 incentive 释义

  • 单词释义:动机;刺激;诱因;鼓励  [更多..]



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