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单词 incarnation 例句大全,用单词incarnation造句:

Both in public and in his own home he must again set himself up as the incarnation of authority!
在社会上, 在家庭中, 他必须仍旧是一个威严神圣的化身!
That the human nature of Christ, and not only His divine nature, existed before the Incarnation.
The process of compiling and editing curriculum ensures the incarnation of the mainstream culture.
If having arrived at next incarnation, having kept the thing have promised me in memory, need to achieve.
The light is god of the justice perfect incarnation, bright is shines the human nature flaming torch!
Tsongkhapa, the great reformer and the founder of the Glugpa monastic order is an earthly incarnation of Manjushri.
The Dalai Lama and the Bainqen Lama are the two leading incarnation hierarchies of the Gelug Sect of Tibetan Buddhism.
You muse namely the utter creature dictator knew this matter, the appointment was equitable floor your before incarnation mirror
The cold mountain of Guoqing Temple, collecting that informed is gentle different, general and virtuous Bodhisattva's incarnation in fact.
Now it emerged early on in the first rehearsal period that one of those white performers had, in his previous incarnation, been a member of the South African police force.
从第一场彩排就出现了问题 一个白人 曾经是 南非一名警察
She was the incarnation of confidence, this chunky, smiling girl, no star athlete, but a typical child who, years ago, might have been left behind in the old win-lose version of PE.

单词 incarnation 释义

  • 单词释义:化身;前身;典型体现  [更多..]



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