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单词 income 例句大全,用单词income造句:

Now to obtain income from bank deposits, we must pay a certain proportional interest income tax.
We paid the business tax on the income we received, according to the service item of the tax law.
China's income tax on the study of the meaning of the definition of income and less fragmentation.
The functional distribution of income is the pattern of receipts among the various kinds of income.
We will abolish student loans and restore student entitlement to housing benefit and income support.
In some large hotels, the income derived from this source actually exceeds income from room rentals.
有些大旅馆中, 这方面的盈利实际上要超过出租客房的盈利。
Income redistribution may promote the economic growth when agents do not have access to credit market.
Closing a revenue account, therefore, means transferring its credit balance to the income summary account.
因此, 结清收入账户就是将其贷方余额转入收益汇总账户。
Additional, deficit of current account income and expenses and income difference still involve a few data.
另外, 收支往来帐户赤字和收益差还涉及一些数据。
Unearned Income Any income that comes from investments and other sources unrelated to employment services.
The national accounting is the total value of all income in a nation during a given period (usually 1 yr.).
The Application of Statement of Comprehensive Income from the Newly Amended Accountant Principle Perspective
This provision will be offset by a corresponding amount under income section1, Income from staff assessment.
Tax Shield The reduction in income taxes that results from taking an allowable deduction from taxable income.
Disposable Income The amount of aftertax income that is available to divide between spending and personal savings.
A voter asks if he supports the Fair Tax, a plan to abolish all income taxes and replace them with a consumption tax.
一选民问他是否支持交易税时, 他说支持。
To Deepen the Building Revolution of Extending Science and Technology and Accelerate the Promotion of Boorish Income.
Internationally accepted practices such as purchase rebates, and mortgage interest to offset the personal income tax.
Comparison on the Income and Expenditure of Redistribution Mechanism's Regulation to Urban Resident's Income Inequality
However, the condition has changed now, the levy of individual income tax should also made some adaptive change accordingly.
Gross domestic product, In real dollars,Per person,Disposable personal income,Median family money income,In constant dollars
Taxable income is determined in conformity with income tax regulations, rather than generally accepted accounting principles.
Both the total income and the income structure were of reciprocal causation with farmers willingness of farmland circulation.
On the Mechanism of Production Factors Participate in the Distribution of Income in Accordance with Their Respective Contributions
This earned interest has been credited as miscellaneous income in accordance with regulation9.2 of the Financial Regulations of the Tribunal.

单词 income 释义

  • 单词释义:n.收入,收益,进款,所得  [更多..]



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