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单词 imprisonment 例句大全,用单词imprisonment造句:

No Hong Kong resident shall be subjected to arbitrary or unlawful arrest, detention or imprisonment.
香港居民不受任意或非法逮捕, 拘留, 监禁。
He was originally sentenced to death, but his sentence was then commuted to five years imprisonment.
After his release from imprisonment, Bill travelled to Sydney and applied for Australian citizenship.
The maximum imprisonment can be ten years if the violation is connected to military goods or technology.
如违反行为涉及军用品或军事技术, 则最多可处以十年徒刑。
The judge condemned the prisoner to life imprisonment. He is sentence to the maximum term of imprisonment.
The penalties for terrorist offences include the death penalty, life imprisonment, imprisonment and fines.
Such crimes were punishable by three to10 years imprisonment, with or without the confiscation of property.
They analogy to reporter, present's circumstance was similar to has been sentenced set term of imprisonment.
The appeal court reduce the fine impose by the magistrate or reduce the sentence to seven year imprisonment.
In accordance with the new Criminal Code, women may not be sentenced to capital punishment or life imprisonment.
They were subjected to various threats such as destruction of their homes, life imprisonment, beheading or rape.
This article provides, as sanction, the imprisonment from4 to8 years with confiscation of property or without it.
the unlawful act of capturing and carrying away a person against their will and holding them in false imprisonment
Cause Factor Analysis and Tentative Countermeasures of High Rate of Light Imprisonment Sentence After Apprehension.
imprisonment, confinement, bondage The years the playwright spent in captivity made him love freedom even more.
Those who withhold information on any terrorist act may be sentenced to between5 and10 years imprisonment or banishment.
Not more than three years of fixedterm imprisonment or criminal detention in case the circumstances are relatively minor.
情节较轻的, 处三年以下有期徒刑或者拘役。
If be sentenced with emissary blame or hostile behavior blame, they will be faced 5 to 10 years of term of imprisonment.
for offenses of a serious nature to over ten years of imprisonment or life imprisonment, with fine or forfeiture of property
情节较轻的, 处三年以下有期徒刑, 拘役或者管制, 并处罚金。
Does not commute a punishment the shortterm set term of imprisonment to the malicious payment, replaces the fine the payment.
The author was sentenced to serve a total of nine years'imprisonment with hard labour, together with confiscation of property.
Those who negligently commit the crime mentioned in the preceding section shall be sentenced to imprisonment of up to seven years or criminal detention.
Put an end to arbitrary intervention by persons in authority and correct the practice of replacing imprisonment for criminal offenses with lighter punishment
If the circumstances are especially serious, the offender shall be sentenced to life imprisonment, and concurrently be sentenced to confiscation of property.
put an end to arbitrary intervention by persons in authority and to correct the practice of replacing imprisonment for criminal offenses with lighter punishment
纠正以言代法, 以罚代刑的现象

单词 imprisonment 释义

  • 单词释义:关押,监禁;“imprison”的派生  [更多..]



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