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单词 impose 例句大全,用单词impose造句:

Impose tax right now, the likelihood causes bigger dispute, the opportunity is immature.
They also threatened to impose sanctions against those trying to undermine the Agreement.
Another technique is to impose absolute silence as part of a sensorydeprivation programme.
Regulation and red tape continue to get worse and impose greater burdens on small businesses.
They belittle the perspectives and choices of others and impose narrow models on everyone else.
We must impose death sentences on those murderers who kill people without even blinking an eye?
Meanwhile, a host of nonstate actors, some benign and many malign, impose conflicting pressures.
与此同时, 许多非政府主体造成了相互冲突的压力。
Impose tariffs on's economy and social welfare of the affected performance in the following areas.
Impose criminal penalty and administrative penalty concurrently and enhance deterrence to infringers
A decision of the local authority pursuant to the power and duties impose upon it by the statutory code.
impose agendas, roll back extremely pernicious legislation, and even overthrow authoritarian governments.
我们影响政策 终止恶法 甚至推翻独裁政府
The plaintiff requires the administrative organ in charge to impose legal liability on the injuring party.
Except for blank group, the other groups to impose electrical stimulation jumping made modules for6 weeks.
Inspection tours should be well planned, or they will impose undue burdens on comrades at the lower levels.
下去检查工作要有计划, 不然下面受不了。
The appeal court reduce the fine impose by the magistrate or reduce the sentence to seven year imprisonment.
Also it's not appropriate rule the case as a crime of indecent assault, or impose a public security penalty.
Both are able to impose their will on games in ways that go beyond stats, beyond predictions and projections.
To impose penalties is a kind of administrative punishment rather than simply a kind of administrative management.
or whether there's an authoritarian political culture in which the state is supposed to impose things on the citizens.
或者 是否存在着 国家把意识强加于人民的集权政治文化
The tax departments impose taxation on behalf of the country and take responsibility for collecting wealth for the country.
The labour administrative department in charge shall issue a warning and command a correction and impose a fine concurrently.
由劳动行政部门给予警告, 责令改正, 并可以处以罚款。
The tax authority noticed me that they would impose penalty and surcharge on my company, plus the payment of the tax overdue.
During winter seasons, ice sheets formed in Bohai Bay will impose strong impact and result in strong vibration on the platform.
The new legislation further restricts the discretionary powers of the public security authorities to impose administrative detention.
The competent authorities shall impose necessary administrative and disciplinary sanctions on those who have violated the aforesaid provisions.
违反者, 主管部门应给予必要的行政或纪律处分。

单词 impose 释义

  • 单词释义:强加;征税;以…欺骗  [更多..]



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