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单词 importation 例句大全,用单词importation造句:

Anyhow, in advanced country, became the state with the consumptive top rate of importation.
That country laid an embargo on the importation of foreign meat and prices rose accordingly.
About the same time, small importation was made into Germany and Holland for the same purpose.
约在同一个时期为了同样目的, 德国和荷兰进口量较少。
The customs officer was imprisoned for conniving at the importation of cocain, concealed in cargo.
Lexical analysis, the importation of a series of unsigned number, you can analyze the numbers, letters.
agreement on the exchange of national currency notes and limitation of their exportation and importation
To supervise and administer the veterinary drugs, veterinary instruments and administer their importation.
Importation of finished products should be conducted by an importer as defined in the glossary to this annex.
We will ensure strict compliance with the laws and regulations on importation of labour and foreign domestic helpers.
Where there are provisions in other laws or regulations on limiting the importation of goods, such provisions shall be abided by.
To be responsible for the cadres education and training and intelligence importation of the Commission and affiliated institutions.
For importation of goods, the importer or his a gent shall report and pay tax to the cuetoms offic e where the imports are declared.
进口货物, 应当由进口人或其代理人向报关地海关申报纳税。
Failing to declare imported goods and pay the tobacco and alcohol tax and the Health and Welfare Surcharge at thetime of importation.
三国外进口之菸酒, 未申报缴纳菸酒税及菸品健康福利捐者。

单词 importation 释义

  • 单词释义:进口;输入;进口货;输入物  [更多..]



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