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单词 implied 例句大全,用单词implied造句:

The previous line of code compiles and executes correctly because there is an implied cast.
这行程序可以正确编译运行, 因为这是隐式类型转换。
That implied elm trees may play an important role on the accretion and fixation of sand dunes.
The Salary System of Tour Guides Implied by Regulations of Travel Agency and the Countermeasure
As is implied by the name,the most characteristic lesion is hypoplasia of the nasal turbinates.
HKJMA is merely a service provider and do not assume or implied with any legal responsibilities.
The rising states, he observed, are averse to the shared sovereignty implied by multilateralism.
他表示, 新兴国家反对多边主义暗指的主权共享。
It implied that the hydrogen bond played an important role in depressing the energy of reaction.
As is implied by the name, the most characteristic lesion is hypoplasia of the nasal turbinates.
顾名思义, 最特征的病变是鼻甲发育不全。
Geologic map of suboutcrop and its implied information of tectogenesis in Bohai Bay basin province.
Therefore the reference to these documents had no bearing on the validity of the implied undertaking.
因此, 提及这些文件对于默示承诺的有效性没有影响。
Human deings' desires for communication have implied the eternally returning obstacles in communicating.
The corruption implied by the illegal building did not extend to oiling the wheels to get the dyke fixed.
Analyzing the implied meaning in embroidered patterns on the folk garment in the viewpoint of a folklorist
There is an important issue implied in the question that ought to be clarified before I attempt a response.
We do not find the implied theoretical assumptions underlying propensity scores to be attractive or robust.
The effect of adsorbent dose on distribution coefficient implied the surface of adsorbent was heterogeneous.
Use any two films of Tsui Hark to illustrate his personal style and the allegorical messages implied in them.
That implied that the international community was not treating climate change with the seriousness it deserved.
Analysis of the Mathematical Way of Thinking Implied in the Concepts of Limit, Derivative and Definite Integral
Literary works, with confession consciousness implied, have been emerging constantly while entering the new period.
进入新时期, 蕴涵着忏悔意识的作品不断出现
The water extraction of Perilla frutescens and parch Perilla frutescens implied expectorant effects at low concentration.
An express condition or warranty does not negative a condition or warranty implied by this Act unless inconsistent with it.
Through the Moral Concepts Implied in Chinese and English Proverbs study the cultural difference between Chinese and English
On the contrary, real and nominal interest rates have declined and implied inflation expectations are below 2. 3 per cent a year.
But a smaller expenditure target implied that Beijing was decreasing the portion of the newlybuilt lines that would be high speed.

单词 implied 释义

  • 单词释义:adj.暗指的,含蓄的  [更多..]



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