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单词 imply 例句大全,用单词imply造句:

The creation of an employee suggestion system does not imply an administrative monster.
And she stressed that she did not mean to imply that a nuclear armed Iran is inevitable.
Ancient Chinese people thought that dreams can imply auspicious and inauspicious things.
This does not imply that this pin must be connected to the digital ground of the system.
Emphasize that it does not imply that a technical implementation follows the same model.
应强调的是, 它并不暗示同一模型的技术性实现。
Your thesis should take a position and imply that someone might argue against your point.
你的文章必须有论点, 足以与持不同意见者辩论。
If this were not true it would imply that the given bar deformations were not compatible.
如果不对, 说明所给的杆变形是不协调的。
The principle of fungibility does not imply that project evaluation is an empty exercise.
Mm A remark seems to imply that Chavez returned to date later than originally anticipated.
Unemployment has risen further and faster than the decline in output would normally imply.
Globalization should not imply uniformity and adjustment to certain standards and patterns.
The lay of the strata can imply that the rock splits easily along its direction of cleavage.
What does the equivalence principle imply about accelerated motions and gravitational fields?
Does that also imply that home ownership has the economic benefits that its proponents claim?
Finding evidence of landslides does not necessarily imply that they triggered tsunamis, he said.
The Development of Methods for Testing Awareness State in Subliminal Perceptual Studies and Its Imply
The most simple skills and techniques imply knowledge gathered by rudimentary research into causality.
Look from the front fold break conjoint curved surface, lady having a place the imply of 100 plait skirt.
从正面看折折相连的曲面, 有点女士百褶裙的意味。
Finally try entering a date of birth that would imply the person registering was less than 18 years of age.
最后, 试着输入出生日期, 使注册人的年龄小于18岁。
Mention of the names of firms and commercial products does not imply the endorsement of the United Nations.
The implementation we created is much simpler to understand and use than the architectural model might imply.
This does not imply copying vernacular architecture, but rather that new buildings should be in keeping with it.
这并不意味着要抄袭传统建筑, 而是使新建筑与之和谐。
Many representations appeared to imply that access to works and copyrights protection were diametrically opposed.
Contrary to some people's beliefs, increasing teenage pregnancies do not imply an increase in casual sex and promiscuity.
The risk of a dollar rout, with the incalculable wreckage that would imply for all asset markets, is thankfully greatly reduced.

单词 imply 释义

  • 单词释义:含有…的意思;暗示;说明;必然包含  [更多..]



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