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单词 inappropriate 例句大全,用单词inappropriate造句:

The occasional outburst should not be called abuse, but that's not to say it isn't inappropriate.
The Nclub Administrator reserves the right to censor inappropriate or offensive content on Nclub.
Inappropriate Word Renditions in the Chinese Versions of British and American Fiction Masterpieces
That the Department of Public Information was twice as large as DPKO was alarming and inappropriate.
Someone took an inappropriate use of words on my part and tried to blow it into a major controversy.
hyponatremia cerebral salt wasting syndrome inappropriate secretion of antidiuretic hormone syndrome.
Due to the cost of equipment from a large, usually do not replace the inappropriate size of the pump.
因起出设备费用大, 通常不更换尺寸不合适的泵。
Be aware that any additional inappropriate actions may result in the permanent closure of the account.
No wonder they drink , smoke , fright , carouse and otherwise engage in inappropriate social behavior.
幸运的是, 两辆车没有迎头相撞, 所以比尔只是惊吓一。
So much of what is wrong in the world today started out with someone acting on an inappropriate passion.
It was inappropriate for Zhang Ming to publicize their internal argument through the media, Li believed.
Law firms are not allowed to practice legal chicanery or to solicit business in other inappropriate ways.
There have been accusations about mismanagement and inappropriate behavior from some members of the agency.
有人指控称该部门一些职员管理不当, 行为不检。
Treatment of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone after completely resection of craniopharyngioma
Treatment of syndrome of inappropriate antidiuretic hormone after completely resection of craniopharyngioma.
Fourthly, the Original Methods are inappropriate with the current basic law for tax collection and management.
It would not be inappropriate for a pastor to admonish those who appear to have the wrong priorities in this matter.
Clinical Features of18 Patients With Cerebral Watershed Infarction Induced by Inappropriate Antihypertensive Therapy
In feudal times, the inappropriate decisions of the successor to the throne often lead to civil strife in the court.
Showing up late, wearing inappropriate clothing and answering your cell phone are a few good ways to kill your chances.
迟到, 不符场合的穿着, 接听手机都可以毁掉面试。
We reserve the right to move your posts to a more appropriate forum or to delete anything deemed inappropriate or illegal.
The country will further reform the administrative review system and correct illegal or inappropriate administrative actions.
改革行政复议体制, 纠正违法或不当行政行为。
The Relationship between Inappropriate Secretion of Atrial Natriuretic Peptide and Hyponatremia in Cervical Spinal Cord Injury
The pocket protrudes, the neckband is inappropriate, the elbow department and the kneedepartment bulge moreover all rubbed through.
The Deputy Health Minister said people had been killed in botched operations, and that inappropriate treatment was given to patients.
卫生副部长称, 多人在笨拙的手术和不当的治疗中死亡。

单词 inappropriate 释义

  • 单词释义:不恰当的,不适宜的;不合适;不宜;不妥  [更多..]



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