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单词 inadequacy 例句大全,用单词inadequacy造句:

Do not have pretty good rank to two months, bring about aftereffect inadequacy very easily.
不到两个月就有不错的排名, 很容易导致后劲不足。
We are deeply concerned about the inadequacy of the current level of development financing.
Educators definitely should be responsible for the inadequacy of College English Education.
很明显地, 教师有责任于大学英语教育体系的不完善。
Their inadequacy brings us back to the general inadequacy of the literary world of Concord.
Not only resource use efficiency is low, and resource utilization rate also shows inadequacy.
不仅资源使用效率低, 而且资源使用率也显不足。
It reflects a place of lost bonding, which brings about both fear and a feeling of inadequacy.
它反映了失去连结, 这既带来恐惧也觉得不够。
Not good at sports, he feared failure and ridicule and was consumed by feelings of inadequacy.
A mental state characterized by a pessimistic sense of inadequacy and a despondent lack of activity.
Higher Agricultural Education the Acquired experience, existing Inadequacy and Corresponding Measures
My nose is held out again grow again, very goodlooking, exclusive inadequacy is nostril break up on some.
我的鼻子又挺又长, 很好看, 唯一的不足就是鼻孔有些上翻。
One, the value of current situation company that cost of our country company manages compensates inadequacy.
If there is any inadequacy in these regulations, the Organiser reserves the right for appropriate amendments.
Objective Observation the effect of sodium ferulate treating renal inadequacy caused by diabetic nephropathy.
Some anxious students complained incessantly to the university authorities over the inadequacy of the facilities.
The Feelings of Inadequacy Scale was used to assess the two groups patients before inclusion and after treatment.
在入组前, 治疗后采用缺陷感量表对两组患者进行评定。
Since reforming and opening, fujian economy success is brilliant, but development aftereffect highlights inadequacy.
改革开放以来, 福建经济成就辉煌, 但发展后劲凸显不足。
If myositis of miocardial infarction, heart, angina reachs chronic coronary artery, offer hematic inadequacy to wait.
如心肌梗塞, 心肌炎, 心绞痛及慢性冠状动脉供血不足等。
First one annual produce just 5998 yuan, eliminate cost, of place remnant return inadequacy to pay sericiculture rent.
Two years ago, when the project was launched, institutional inadequacy was the overarching challenge of transportation.
But my first reaction immediately after when I was with someone who was accompanying me was, however, of a certain inadequacy.
The Committee is concerned about the inadequacy of resources allocated to address the problems of primary and secondary education.
If there is any inadequacy in the prospectus and the above guidelines, the organiser reserves the right for appropriate amendments.
如比赛章程及本须知有未尽善处, 大会保留修改权利。
Accordingly, the reason of deep administrative levels that inadequacy needs inside connects cheek by jowl with system element necessarily.
因此, 内需不足的深层次原因必然与体制因素紧密相联。
The Inadequacy of the Creativity Mechanism for Political Systems in Traditional Chinese Society andIts Contemporary Mirroring Significance
If there is any inadequacy in the prospectus of this competition and the above, the Organiser reserves the right for appropriate amendments.

单词 inadequacy 释义

  • 单词释义:不充分,不适当;不完全;[医]官能不足,机能不全;不十分  [更多..]



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