I woke up this morning to a pretty big bombshell in my inbox.
You may be using a email spam filter to keep your inbox clean.
Once a survey has been sent, it will disappear from your inbox.
一个调查发送出来以后, 在您的收件箱里就再也看不到它了。
English Your verification email was sent. Please check your inbox.
You must synchronize your Inbox before selecting additional folders.
在选择其他文件夹前, 您必须同步您的收件箱。
Get updates on game cancellations, scores and more right to your inbox.
You cannot close the mailbox that contains your calendar, contacts, and inbox.
All incoming mail will continue to be accepted to your inbox during the migration.
If that last paragraph doesn't flood my inbox with flames, I don't know what will.
如果最后一段不与洪水我的收件箱起火, 我不知道怎么会。
You do not have security permission to create or modify the contents of the Inbox folder.
您没有安全权限, 无法创建或修改收件箱文件夹的内容。
Clearing your inbox in 40 seconds less than yesterday is cause for a monumental celebration.
It gives me a Zen feeling to have a clean inbox, a feeling of peace and calm and satisfaction.
这给我一种禅的感觉我有一个空的收件箱, 平静且满足。
I have no unsorted papers anywhere besides my physical inbox, project files, and reference files.
Users conveniently can act on these invitations and reschedule notices as if they are in the inbox.
Wean yourself off your email inbox in the evenings and turn your mobile off during family meal times.