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单词 hymn 例句大全,用单词hymn造句:

Priest Holy Reach will now increase the radius of Divine Hymn properly.
This is the romaunt prototype, frantic hymn and fantasy poem prototype.
Mt.2630 And after singing a hymn, they went out to the Mount of Olives.
太二六30他们唱了诗, 就出来往橄榄山去。
A division of a metrical composition,such as a stanza of a poem or hymn.
The composer of that hymn is one of the most commonplace men I ever met!
作那个谱子的, 是一个顶俗不可耐的人!
Churches can get hold of Bibles or download hymn books from the internet.
Then the words begin to flow from the reader, this wonderful hymn of love.
The preacher was lining out a hymn. He lined out two lines, everyone sung it.
A hymn that is sung at the end of a service as the clergy and choir withdraw.
In Beethoven last symphony, the Ninth, a choir sings a wonderful Hymn of Joy.
He has learnt the hymn before, so let him teach fellow believers how to sing it.
Life sends up in blades of grass its silent hymn of praise to the unnamed Light.
a song or hymn of mourning composed or performed as a memorial to a dead person.
The cleric quickly murmurs a magical hymn and a soothing light envelops your wound.
贤者迅速咏唱赞颂咒文, 舒缓的光芒笼罩你的伤口。
Divine Hymn You recite a holy hymn, granting your party protection from attackers.
Fifth dream, the fence beside the brier alone in the twilight a Unnamed hymn singing.
第五梦, 篱笆旁的野蔷薇在暮色中独自唱着一曲未名的赞歌。
This is the hymn I call The Amazing Grace of Sanskrit, filled with devotional longing.
River to the sun smiling, as if singing a hymn theand praised the contribution the sun.
小河在向太阳微笑, 好象要高唱一首赞歌, 赞扬太阳的功劳。
Every formula which expresses a law of nature is a hymn of praise to God. Maria Mitchell.
The Book of the Odes has been described as the first known hymn book of early Christianity.
The Nature of The Buddhist Hymn and Poem of Praise And Its Contents in Dun huang Manuscripts
Consideration should be given to the use of pre-recorded hymn accompaniments and voluntaries.
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother written by Amy Chua has started a storm in both America and China.
An expression of praise to God, especially a short hymn sung as part of a Christian worship service.
It was absolutely still, and from a distance I could hear the hymn being sung at the professors grave.
这里很静, 从远处我能听到教授坟墓那边咏唱的圣歌。

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