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单词 humanities 例句大全,用单词humanities造句:

Said in the form that, the very deep rational humanities goes through the perceptual contour.
在形式上说, 通过感性外形蕴涵了很深的理性人文。
On the Editor's Quality of a Comprehensive Academic Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences.
They are primarily devoted to basic research in the natural sciences, medicine and humanities.
Also in medical genetics education, we should also enhance the quality of humanities education.
Translation Center, College of Humanities and Fine Arts, University of Massachusetts at Amherst
She later taught in Girls College of Humanities of Tsinghua University and Yenching University.
On Blending of Humanities Education and Science Education in Colleges of Science and Engineering
A Discussion on the Deficiency of Humanities Contents in General Psychology for College Students
Research on Humanities Knowledge and the Creativity of Sciences and Engineering Graduate Students
On the Characters of The Science of Constitution On the Course of the Humanities in the Modern West
Concentrating on the Meaming of Humanities and Creating the Preeminent Brand of Sports Goods in China
The second chapter analyzed the formation condition and mechanism of humanities character of pedagogy.
The publication media has the profound humanities connotation and the unique implication exegesis way.
Independent development, humanities is good at, founds Lou Tang middle school inside the new atmosphere
自主发展, 人文见长, 开创娄中新气象
Junior high school increased the humanities and natural sciences, foreign languages and religion courses.
Get on the campus bus at the Statue of Mr. Sun Zhongshan stop, and get off at Shaw Humanities Museum Stop.
在中山像站上车, 逸夫人文馆站下车即到。
Clean room is located beautiful, tall, lush trees, beautiful flowers, green fragrance, rich green humanities.
室设整洁亮丽, 树木葱郁高大, 花草艳丽青香, 人文绿色浓厚。
The Gender Studies Centre of the European Humanities University engages in research and educational activities.
Strengthening humanities and social sciences education for medical students so as to accustom to era requirement
The natural boundary experiences humanities scenery and the region landscape with purity and untold great beauty.
Medical Humanities in the Undergraduate Medical Education at the University of Oslo Faculty of Medicine in Norway
Research on the Natural Characteristic and Methods with the Integration of Humanities Education and Science Education
Basides, authors selfcitation rates in disciplines of humanities and social sciences were lower than natural sciences.
而且, 人文社会科学著者自引率比自然科学要低。
The construction of a comprehensive university should have the corresponding development of the humanities and social sciences.
Regaining the Erstwhile Glories of Tongji as A New Allround University at the Insistence on the Coordination between Natural Science and Humanities

单词 humanities 释义

  • 单词释义:(总称)人( humanity的名词复数 );人性;人道;人文学科  [更多..]



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