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单词 hotel 例句大全,用单词hotel造句:

In your opinion what are the difference of boutique hotel and typical chain hotel?
The employee on hotel information desk asks him to keep the name to hotel register.
This hotel can accommodate special guests with a free buffet dinner during holidays.
Fuhai star hotel is based on high standards of decoration business and leisure hotel.
The government has agreed to subsidize the hotel industry. He's study hotel management.
Unusual scenes were playing out today at a once luxury hotel overlooking Abidjan lagoon.
The hotel was appointed a designated hotel by the Beijing Travel and Tourism Administration.
The most luxurious and classy hotel with top services is the Beijing International Club Hotel.
This is a villatic business hotel with accommodation, conference, and entertainment facilities.
In addition, hotel food is often not especially good and hotel dining rooms are sometimes dull.
其次, 饭店的饭食往往也并不很好, 有些饭店的餐厅还很沉闷。
Publicize the hotel and erect the good image of hotel as major, when do promotion by news media.
If I will not stay in Rainbow Hotel, the hotel will be informed to cancel the reservation in advance.
Though not the real hotel, it is better than the star hotel to talk about the condition and facility.
The scale of the giant hotel of Pyongyang looks like the floor of honored guests of Beijing Hotel a bit.
So far, this hotel is become3 inferior hotel of the12nd5 stars class that hangs out his shingle formally.
Hotel brochures are designed to present the most attractive aspects of the hotel to the prospective guest.
She also returns to the hotel in the Italian street head harness man, suffers the hotel to expel the gate.
她也在意大利街头带男人回饭店, 惨遭饭店赶出门。
Any payment made by the hotel during absence due to sickness or accident is at the discretion of the hotel.
The company sold large hotel transfers and hotel accommodation rental!Acting Beijingstar hotel sell, transfer, cont.
Women pilfer souvenirs from their hotel rooms as men raid the bars in the refrigerators in their rooms, the hotel study found.
East China International Culture Center is a famous university hotel in Shanghai, which is authorized to accommodate foreign guests.
Air Supply Plans Comparison of Centralized Fresh Air Handling and Floor by Floor Air Handling in the AC Engineering of Office Building or Hotel
The hotel habits of business travellers have been studied for the third year by the worldwide hotel chain Novotel, which has several hotels in China.
The Presidential Hotel Beijing represents a new breed of five star business hotel in the fast developing westside of Beijing and belongs to CIIC Group.
If participants choose to stay in other hotel other than the official hotel, the same amount of entry fee given above will be chargeable by the organizer.
如参赛者选择入住其他酒店, 组委员仍须收取相同之报名费。

单词 hotel 释义

  • 单词释义:n.旅馆,客栈,<俚>监狱  [更多..]



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