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单词 howling 例句大全,用单词howling造句:

And when the finish line approaches, he starts howling like a wounded beagle.
It must be wielded in spite of the ceaseless, howling protests of the wicked.
The demons gleefully dragged the howling butcher away, kicking him as they went.
Come now, you rich, weep, howling over your miseries, which are coming upon you!
瞎, 你们富足得人, 应当为那将要临到你们得悲惨哭泣号啕。
If howling occurs, reposition the speakers or turn down the volume on the amplifier.
如果发生啸声, 请重新配置扬声器, 或转小放大器的音量。
Torrential rain and a howling tempest cut a swathe of destruction across the country.
For the Horde, in Howling Fjord, you enter an area with brand new Forsaken architecture.
As Kratos' s getting out of the door, Colossus was howling beside the ledge of platform.
Hearty and delicious soups and stews are all very well when the wind is howling outside.
She went to her grave just a little too soon And she flew away howling on the yellow moon
Howling Banshee Exarchs get access to a pair of Mirrorswords, a paired set of power weapons.
Meanwhile, a howling crow glided the sky, splashing the sense of chill all around the night.
The fIrst thIng I heard when I came to myself was the maddenIng howlIng of that endless gale
Howling Santa Ana winds fanned the flames of several southern California wildfires this week.
Shaun Ellis demonstrates the howling technique he has learned from his direct study of wolves.
Double rune abilities damage increased Obliterate, Howling Blast, Scourge Strike, Death Strike.
打击技能的疾病加成改变, 武器伤害也会受疾病加成。
It also seems like you can use this card as a win condition in Howling Mine Font of Mythos decks.
他在 神赐洗礼盘嚎叫矿井套牌中也可以成为一个致胜张。
Regardless of howling wind and torrential rain, the workers rushed to the river bank to check dam.
I'm home now. The weather has turned. The wind is howling through the fir trees on the edge of my bluff.
They quarreled and bickered more than ever among themselves, till at times the camp was a howling bedlam.
他们总是吵闹不休, 弄得营地乱哄哄一团糟。
Looked like Luneng to forget, 2001 season national strength advance party in Taishan wolf howling experience.

单词 howling 释义



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