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单词 how 例句大全,用单词how造句:

Postpartum how long does ability regain a stature ?How long OK Lian Yujia ?
Learn how the power of compounding works and how taxes affect your returns.
了解复利的力量, 税率对收益的影响。
Always remember how much you wanted to be loved, And how much you are loved.
永远记住你多么需要爱 还有你所拥有的一切爱。
have huge impacts with how we metabolize drugs and how those drugs affect us.
却让我们代谢药物的反应和药效 有天壤之别
How is computation pregnant excuse me time How to if abort, do not think or do
An intelligent person not only knows how to take advice, but how to reject it.
how much do you get as monthly allowance from your parents How do you spent it
To at how far you have come, what you have accomplished and how you have grown.
So, how should intellectual unemployment explain all ?How to administer again ?
那么, 知识失业现象究竟应如何解释?又如何治理?
How fast does a balloon travel How about an airplane How about a space shuttle.
一只气球能走多快?一架飞机呢 还有一架航天飞机呢
How much acreage does the restaurant or rummery How many people does it can hold
Specify how your spreadsheet is organized and how you want your chart to appear.
Men are much more likely to agonize over how to get a woman than how to keep her.
How many tiers are built on the Circular Mound Altar and how large is each tier ?
It's amazing how these brawls erupt and how completely mad the whole scene looks.
But Goldman appeared to miscalculate how serious and how long the crisis would be.
How could that bePerhaps the genes affect how our brain rewires itself as we mature.
How does the teacher appear to be assessing what and how the students are learning ?
How much is friendship to arouse laughter, tears, how many are Kaigan of friendship.
多少笑声都是友谊唤起的, 多少眼泪都是友谊揩干的。
I assessed how long they were going to stay and how much it would take to feed them.
You dont know how much I love you, how much I adore you, and how much I need you.
Describes how to choose an appropriate encoding and how to devise a fallback strategy.
Obviously, how much you weigh depends on how much you eat and how much energy you burn.
很显然,你的重量决定于 你吃了多少和你消耗了多少能量
How much coffee do you sell approximately per month, how much revenue does it bring you.
Know how to make your money, how to spend it wisely and how to use it to your advantage.

单词 how 释义

  • 单词释义:怎样;健康状况如何;到何种地步;以任何方式  [更多..]



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